





  impactt limited is a london-based ethical trading consultancy. we work with companies, governments, ngos and investors to develop business practices which maximize the benefits to people touched by international trade. we have helped improve supply chain labour conditions in 24 countries around the world.  we believe in robust, pragmatic and sustainable solutions to build values into business and benefit workers.u0026lt;bru0026gt;impactt has been working in ethical trade for 10 years, enabling companies to improve working conditions in their supply chains in a way that brings clear business benefits to both ends of the chain. impactt’s approach is change-focused, innovative and practical.u0026lt;bru0026gt;we are a passionate team committed to delivering our clients’ needs and making real change on the ground.u0026lt;bru0026gt;impactt bridges two different worlds - the world of the boardroom and corporate strategy and the world of workers and production sites - usually the experiences and languages of these two worlds are so far apart that they often do not ‘see’ or interact with each other.u0026lt;bru0026gt;impactt has extensive experience and credibility in both ‘worlds’.u0026lt;bru0026gt;we work with brands and companies to develop ethical trading strategies, providing business focused advice and training. u0026lt;bru0026gt;we are also globally recognised for our innovative and successful work on the ground including in-depth ethical assessments, factory manager and worker training, practical remediation projects and in-factory consultancy. u0026lt;bru0026gt;understanding and engaging with both worlds puts us in a unique position to benefit them both with valuable information and perspectives. u0026lt;bru0026gt;we believe in robust, pragmatic and sustainable solutions to build values into business and benefit workers. we are recruiting the following members to join our team in guangzhou: u0026lt;bru0026gt;for more information visit www.impacttlimited.comu0026lt;bru0026gt; u0026lt;bru0026gt;closing date for applications: 1 aug 2008


  • 公司名称: 英国恩沛有限公司广州代表处
  • 所属行业: 人才交流/中介服务
  • 成立时间: 2003年10月18日




频道介绍: 英国恩沛招聘频道,智通人才网为求职者提供2024年最新英国恩沛招聘信息,这里聚合了大量英国恩沛相关信息,求职者可一键投递、立刻直聊、即时反馈,与HR开聊,找英国恩沛相关工作就来智通人才网。
  • susan · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制