





  tesco概况<br><br>tesco是英国领先的零售商,也是全球三大零售企业之一。tesco在全世界拥有门店总数3,700家,员工总数超过人,平均每周为全球近5,000万名顾客提供优质服务。目前,除英国外,tesco还在其它13个国家开展业务,包括欧洲的爱尔兰共和国、匈牙利、捷克共和国、斯洛伐克、波兰和土耳其,亚洲的中国、日本、马来西亚、韩国、泰国和印度,以及美国。 <br><br>我们的生活发生着日新月异的变化,tesco的员工也能出色地应对这些变化。tesco始创于1919年,最初的形式是jack cohen先生在市场里设立的一个小货摊。“tesco”作为一个店铺的品牌于1929年首次在在伦敦艾奇韦尔(edgware)大街亮相。自此,tesco不断发展壮大,抓住各种有利商机,在诸多领域引领创新潮流。 <br><br>让tesco的商品和服务好上加好一直是我们业务成长的关键。我们希望通过我们的努力让人们的生活变得更方便、更美好,我们希望能以充足的理由来吸引每一位顾客再次光顾tesco。<br><br>tesco在中国的地产业务<br><br>tesco是现阶段欧洲最大的土地开发商及土地拥有者。为了配合集团的零售业务在华不断发展,2007年,tesco在中国开展地产业务,旨在通过土地买卖、收购及合作,为零售业务提供更加优质的店面保障。<br><br>至今,tesco地产业务的总部设立在北京,并在北京、上海、广州分别设立了华北、华东、华南的区域总部。<br><br>公司以商业地产为主,包括商场、办公楼宇及住宅楼宇,在为零售业务提供优质保障的同时,也能为地产业务争取丰厚回报。公司制定了一个进取的五年计划,必须依靠您的努力,才能实现这个计划。                                                                   <br><br>tesco的职业生涯 <br>tesco崇信以人为本——我们的成功离不开顾客的支持和员工的努力。只有顾客满意tesco所提供的优质的购物环境及体验,他们才会再次光临。只有让员工感到自己的付出都能得到回报,他们才会加倍努力,为顾客提供更加出色的服务。<br><br>作为全球第三大零售企业的tesco,致力于使tesco成为理想的工作场所,以及为员工提供良好的职业发展机会。公司尊重每位员工的兴趣、才干和热情,并鼓励员工在各自的岗位上不断进步。这种领先的职业发展理念能帮助我们的员工成为各自领域里的专家,不断为顾客提供更加出色的服务,同时也确保我们在世界零售业的领先地位。<br><br>公司的核心价值<br><br>为达成公司的核心目标,我们需要遵循两个核心价值。在tesco,我们对待顾客和员工的核心价值是:<br><br>“我们比任何人更为顾客尽心尽力。”<br>意味着我们对顾客要做到:<br>理解顾客的需求;<br>以顾客的需求为自己的第一使命;<br>对我们的社区负责。<br><br>“设身处地,推己及人。”<br>意味着我们要让员工:<br>具有团队精神;<br>互相信任,彼此尊重;<br>细心聆听,用心支持,衷心感谢;<br>分享知识,共享经验;<br>愉悦地工作。<br><br>tesco group<br>tesco is uk’s leading retailer.  we are one of the top three retailers in the world operating over 3,700 stores and employing over  employees globally providing excellent services to 50 million customers around the world on weekly basis. tesco operates in 13 countries outside the uk - republic of ireland, hungary, czech republic, slovakia, poland and turkey in europe; china, japan, malaysia, south korea and thailand in asia, and the united states. <br>everyday life keeps changing and the tesco team excels at responding to those changes.  tesco has grown from a market stall, set up by jack cohen in 1919.  the name tesco first appeared above a shop in edgware in 1929 and since then the company has grown and developed, responding to new opportunities and pioneering many innovations.<br>going the extra mile for customers has been key to our growth.  we want to make customers’ lives easier and better in any way we can.  we want to appeal to every customer and give them a reason to come back to tesco.<br><br>tesco’s property business in china<br>tesco is currently the biggest land developer and owner in europe. to cope with the rapid growth of its retail business in china, in 2007, tesco began its property development business in china in an effort to enhance its competitive advantage for its retail business by acquiring new land in prime locations.  <br>tesco property limited is headquartered in beijing with three regional offices in beijing, shanghai and guangzhou serving north, east and south regions.  <br>tpl is mainly engaged in commercial property development business, including shopping malls, offices and residential buildings.  while providing prime locations to our retail business, tpl can also earn great profits in the long run.  tpl has an aggressive business development plan for the next five years in china, and we would count on you to achieve this plan.<br><br>career development in tesco<br>tesco believes in people – we won’t succeed without the support of our customers and our employees. our customers will not come to our malls once more unless they are satisfied with the excellent shopping environment and experience. only when our employees are awarded for what they have done will they work hard and offer still better services to our customers.<br>as the third largest retailer in the world, tesco dedicates itself to make tesco a good place to work and offers its employees great career opportunities. tesco respects each employee in terms of their interests, talent and enthusiasm as well as encourages them to make constant progress in their jobs. this pioneer career development principle helps our employees to become experts in their own fields, provide better services to our customers and ensure our leading role among the world’s retailers.<br>tesco core values<br>to achieve the core purpose, we need to observe two core values. at tesco, the core values for customers and employees are:<br>- “no one tries harder for customers.”<br>it means that we should do the following for our customers:<br>- understand customer needs;<br>- be first to meet their needs;<br>- act responsibly for our communities.<br>- “treat people how we like to be treated.”<br>it means that our employees must:<br>- work as a team;<br>- trust and respect each other;<br>- listen, support and say thank you;<br>- share knowledge and experience;<br>- so we can enjoy our work</p>


  • 公司名称: 中国地产控股(香港)有限公司北京代表处
  • 法人代表: 凯文·威廉姆·布莱克
  • 经营状态: 注销
  • 所属行业: 计算机软件
  • 注册地址: 北京市朝阳区建国路81号11办公1T07单元
  • 公司地址: 北京市朝阳区建国路81号11办公1T07单元
  • 经营范围:




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
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