







  好酒汇(goodwines)专注专业提供源自西方世界的原装进口葡萄酒,打造人性化、专业化的葡萄酒交流平台。我们始终秉承“诚信负责,品味人生”的经营理念,从源头上对每一款葡萄酒的品质和口感进行严格甄选,只为让消费者放心,品鉴各国独特的美酒;从每一瓶葡萄酒中品味醇正、馥郁、优雅、绵长、别致,感受欧洲的红酒魅力,开创健康美好的优质高雅人生。 good wines is a wine brand; a company devotes to import the high quality wine from the Western, and build a humanistic and professional wine communication platform. We uphold the cooperation principle of responsibility, integrity for our wine friends, focus on source, strive for the quality strictly control. As we are doing attentively and diligently, to enable you enjoy safe drinking. We share with you the best wine allover the world. Having tasted a bottle of mellow, fragrant, elegant, long-lasting and unique wine, it definitely will bring you a fantastic experience. Live for today, let us create and enjoy a beautiful and health life. 品尝与收藏红酒,已成为当今各界人士的生活品位和追求,它不仅仅是代表着葡萄酒文化的崇尚,更代表着一种健康生活的追求,优品海购真诚用心为您提供更多、更好、更快的选择。随着中国进口葡萄酒市场的快速发展,优品海购不愿意只当进口葡萄酒的“搬运工”,每一瓶以次充好的葡萄酒都不会进入我们的选择范围,我们精心为您挑选源自欧洲旧世界众多葡萄酒主产国和名优酒庄所产的质优味美的精品佳酿,让大家了解每一酒款从葡萄树的成长、采摘到优良酿制的过程,遵循“酒质上乘,价格亲民”的核心宗旨,让您轻松享受葡萄美酒,为健康生活干杯。 Wine becomes the most popular drinks and one of favorite collector in China; it represents advocating wine culture, and represents the pursuit of healthy lifestyle. Throughout the history of wine introducing and importing in China market, present importers neither as a Wine Porter nor pursue the profit maximization. We never adulterate and sell shoddy wine as high quality. We guarantee the wine introducing for my fellow are produced in the oldest winery and famous chateau over of Western Europe. We will launch more and more superior wine with reasonable price and easy acceptable. Let more people know drinking the wine is good for health and longevity,to know the viticulture and vinification, Picking, Crushing, Pressing, Fermentation, Aging and Bottling. Exquisite quality of wine and add value service perfectly to provide you with a wine culture and colorful life. 好酒汇以消费者利益为核心,愿与全国代理商、加盟商以及葡萄酒爱好者,以酒相识,以酒会友,互惠互利,共赢发展,共创精彩美好人生。 Customer is supreme, good wines is willing to work with Agency, Distributor, Wholesaler and Wine Enthusiast together. Hand in hand, Mutual, Win-win to create a great and colorful life. Drink for your health! Cheer!


  • 公司名称: 好酒汇(深圳)酒业有限公司
  • 法人代表: 黄武强
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 经营状态: 存续
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司
  • 所属行业: 其他
  • 成立时间: 2011年07月01日
  • 统一社会信用代码: 914403005776593952
  • 注册地址: 深圳市罗湖区莲塘街道国威路第一工业区124栋6楼南中区
  • 公司地址: 深圳市罗湖区莲塘街道国威路第一工业区124栋6楼南中区
  • 经营范围:




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
频道介绍: 好酒汇酒业招聘频道,智通人才网为求职者提供2024年最新好酒汇酒业招聘信息,这里聚合了大量好酒汇酒业相关信息,求职者可一键投递、立刻直聊、即时反馈,与HR开聊,找好酒汇酒业相关工作就来智通人才网。
  • 张小姐 · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制
