







  德国威德普思有限公司(wd plus gmbh)成立于2011年,是电脑系统及配件、消费电子及家用小电器采购及进口商。公司总部位于德国电子产业中心汉诺威市,拥有500平方米的办公室及超过1万平方米的现代化仓库。founded in 2011, wd plus gmbh is a renowned european importer on computer accessories, consumer electronics and household appliances. the headquarter of wd plus gmbh is located in hannover, the center of electronics industries in germany. the headquarter covers an area of 500 square meters with exceeding  square meters’ advanced warehouses.威德普思之母公司csl-computer gmbh & co. kg,成立于1999年,生产及销售自有品牌电脑设备、周边及消费类电子产品,有自己的装配工厂及物流仓储系统,员工总数超200人,是微软oem合作伙伴。csl computer是欧洲最早的电子产品类电商之一, e-bay.de平台营业额近4年来保持超200%的年增长率,已成为 欧洲e-bay平台上电子产品类第一大电商;2012年在亚马逊开设店铺, 至2014年底在亚马逊平台已销售商品逾30万件,位居亚马逊欧洲第三方卖家前五。csl-computer gmbh & co. kg, the parent company of wd plus gmbh, was established in 1999, assembling and selling own brand computers, accessories and consumer electronics. as a microsoft oem partner, csl-computer gmbh & co. kg has its own assembly factory and logistic system with over 200 employees. as one of the e-commerce pioneer on electronics in europe, csl computer has achieved an annual growth rate exceeding 200% over the past four years on e-bay.de, becoming the largest e-commerce company on e-bay in europe. in 2012, csl computer established online shops on amazon, where  pieces of products were sold by the end of 2014, rating one of the top 5 third party sellers on amazon europe.德国威德普思有限公司在大中华区目前已有超过200家供应商,广州代表处于2015年正式成立,全权负责威德普思及csl computer在华采购联络事宜。wd plus gmbh has over 200 suppliers in the greater china region. to fully achieve the sourcing and communication duties for wd plus gmbh and csl-computer gmbh & co. kg, wd plus gmbh sets up its guangzhou rep. office in 2015.德国威德普思有限公司广州代表处办公室坐落于广州市天河区珠江新城cbd中心区,设有采购、质量、物流等部门。我代表处旨在为员工创造舒适、愉快的工作环境,提供有竞争力的薪酬福利及弹性的工作时间,欢迎有志于外贸行业的人士加入我们的团队。the guangzhou rep. office is situated at the zhujiang new town, the cbd of guangzhou, in tianhe district. currently, the rep. office has departments of sourcing, quality control and logistics. the rep. office is aimed at providing comfortable and delightful working environment for our employees together with competitive salaries and flexible work hours in the industry. employees with foreign trade experience are more than welcome to join our team.更多内容,敬请访问我们的网络销售平台:if you need more information, please go to our online shops:www.csl-computer.comwww.amazon.de/csl-computerstores.ebay.de/csl-computer


  • 公司名称: 德国威德普思有限公司广州代表处
  • 所属行业: 贸易/商务/进出口
  • 统一社会信用代码: 9144010134007679X9




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
频道介绍: 德国威德普思招聘频道,智通人才网为求职者提供2024年最新德国威德普思招聘信息,这里聚合了大量德国威德普思相关信息,求职者可一键投递、立刻直聊、即时反馈,与HR开聊,找德国威德普思相关工作就来智通人才网。
  • 人力资源部 · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制
