





  the a.p. moller - maersk groupu0026lt;bru0026gt;a.p. 穆勒 - 马士基集团u0026lt;bru0026gt;the a.p. moller - maersk group, with its headquarters in denmark, is a worldwide leading organization with more than  employees and offices in around 130 countries. the group is engaged in shipping, logistics, terminal investment and management, retail, oil and gas exploration and manufacturing.u0026lt;bru0026gt;a.p. 穆勒 - 马士基集团是一家源自丹麦的全球化集团公司,在全球130多个国家设有办事机构,拥有逾11.5万名员工。集团的主要业务在航运、物流、码头投资和管理、零售、石油的天然气的开发以及制造业等相关领域。u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;a.p. moller - maersk group in chinau0026lt;bru0026gt;a.p. 穆勒 - 马士基集团在中国u0026lt;bru0026gt;the a.p. moller - maersk group has been operating in china for more than 80 years. the foundation of the group’s presence in china is characterized by our commitment to serve foreign trade, continued expansion, investments with mutual benefits, and good corporate citizenship.u0026lt;bru0026gt;with more than 100 offices and  employees in china, the group’s operations include an extensive network of offices, wholly-owned and joint venture transportation companies, logistics companies and industrial enterprises, as well as investment in and management and operation of marine terminals in key coastal cities in china.u0026lt;bru0026gt;the a.p. moller - maersk group is also a major buyer of vessels and marine equipments made in china as well as consumer products for the group’s supermarkets in europe.u0026lt;bru0026gt;a.p. 穆勒 - 马士基集团服务于中国的对外贸易已逾80余年。集团在华的立身之本是信守承诺:致力于服务中国的对外贸易、在互利互惠的基础上不断拓展业务,增加投资,争做优秀的企业公民。u0026lt;bru0026gt;今天,集团在中国大陆和香港设有100多个办事机构,员工超过1万1千名,并积极参与集装箱航运、物流、集装箱码头运营和管理、多式联运、工业制造与采购以及海事设备维护维修服务。u0026lt;bru0026gt;a.p. 穆勒 - 马士基集团是中国大陆制造的远洋货轮和海运设备的主要采购商,同时还为集团在欧洲的超级市场采购中国产品。u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;about damcou0026lt;bru0026gt;关于丹马士u0026lt;bru0026gt;damco is the new, combined brand of the a.p. moller - maersk groupu0026#39;s logistics activities.u0026lt;bru0026gt;丹马士是a.p. 穆勒 - 马士基集团旗下为客户提供供应链管理与货代专业服务的一个新的联合品牌。u0026lt;bru0026gt;damco offers a broad range of supply chain management and freight forwarding services to customers all over the world, and has  colleagues in 280 offices, covering over 93 countries in africa, asia, north america, europe, middle east, and latin america.u0026lt;bru0026gt;凭借在亚洲、非洲、北美洲、欧洲、中东和拉丁美洲超过93个国家的280个办事处以及1万零5百名员工,丹马士为全世界的客户提供广泛的供应链管理和货运代理服务。u0026lt;bru0026gt;in damco, we pride ourselves with having people who have the energy to go the extra mile to find the most reliable, efficient solution for our customers - and deliver on our promises. in every damco office around the world, we have local people, who speak the local language and engage with, and make a difference in the communities in which we live and work.u0026lt;bru0026gt;在丹马士,我们以我们的员工为骄傲,他们拥有勇往直前的工作态度,精益求精地为客户寻求最可靠、最有效的解决方案,使承诺成为现实。丹马士在世界各地的办公室均会聘请使用当地语言和了解地区文化的当地员工,融入所在地区,大展鸿图。u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;read moreu0026lt;bru0026gt 


  • 公司名称: 丹马士环球物流(上海)有限公司
  • 法人代表: MARTIN HOLME
  • 注册资本: 344万美元
  • 经营状态: 存续
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
  • 所属行业: 其他
  • 成立时间: 1998年11月30日
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91310000607400959R
  • 注册地址: 上海市黄浦区蒙自路757号23层(名义楼层26层)01-08室
  • 公司地址: 上海市黄浦区蒙自路757号23层(名义楼层26层)01-08室
  • 经营范围:
    承办海运、陆运、空运进出口货物、国际展品、私人物品及过境货物的国际运输代理业务,包括揽货、订舱、托运、中转、集装箱拼装拆箱、仓储、签发货物收据、结算运杂费、报关、相关的道路运输服务;维修和保养集装箱及其设备;为关联公司提供物流系统信息化软件和技术支持;相关咨询服务;无船承运业务;仓储(除危险化学品)、装卸、加工、包装、配送;普通货运,货物专用运输(集装箱A);国内货物运输代理 。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
频道介绍: 丹马士环球物流招聘频道,智通人才网为求职者提供2024年最新丹马士环球物流招聘信息,这里聚合了大量丹马士环球物流相关信息,求职者可一键投递、立刻直聊、即时反馈,与HR开聊,找丹马士环球物流相关工作就来智通人才网。
  • 人力资源部 · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制
