





  萨基姆移动电话(宁波)有限公司是一家专业从事移动电话及电子产品研发、生产、销售、服务的外商独资企业。<br>公司成立于2003年1月1日,由欧洲著名移动电话制造企业法国萨基姆集团与宁波波导股份有限公司合资设立,2008年成为欧洲萨基姆集团的全资子公司。<br>公司总投资为7500多万美元,拥有国际18条先进的smt生产线和26条装配线。主厂房占地平方米;拥有高级管理和技术人员500多人,总员工数达2500多人。公司位于宁波奉化高新技术开发区,交通便利,东居甬台温高速出口,西临宁波市区主干线,距宁波栎社国际机场15公里,我国最大的深水良港北仑港码头35公里,坐车30分钟即可到达宁波市中心,3个小时到达上海。<br>公司是萨基姆移动电话的全球主要生产基地,累计生产萨基姆移动电话8000余万台,产品销售到全球十几个国家,同时与国际著名十大全球网络运营商沃达丰、at&t、法国电信、orange、t-mobile、tim、墨西哥电信、菲律宾电信等强强合作,为以上运营商提供国际品质的产品,生产定制手机。<br>2006年年底起,引进索爱项目,为索尼爱立信生产移动电话。<br>2009年4月起,公司秉持“科技引领时尚”的理念,在全球推出sagetel(萨际通)品牌的移动电话。<br>2009年10月起,公司控股韩国hyundai(现代)移动电话。<br>sagem mobiles ningbo co., ltd is a company specializing in the development, production, sale and service of mobile telephones and electronic products.<br>which founded on 1st january 2003, sagem mobiles ningbo co., ltd is a joint venture of the leading french mobile telephone manufacturer sagem and ningbo bird co. ltd. sagem became the sole proprietor of sagem mobiles ningbo co., ltd in 2008.<br>sagem mobiles (ningbo) co., ltd was funded by sagem communication co., ltd with the registered of 75 million dollars. which have 18 advanced smt lines and 26 assembly lines. factory cover  square meters. owned over 500 highly skilled management and technical staff , total employee is 2500 people. it is located in fenghua high-tech development zone where traffic is convenient that east beside yong-tai-wen highway, 15 km away from ningbo lishe international airport and 35 km away from beilun port which is the biggest deepwater port in china. we just need 30 mins to go to ningbo city center  and 3h to shanghai by car.<br>sagem mobiles ningbo co., ltd is the main production site of sagem communication, having manufactured more than ,000 units in all, which have been sold worldwide in more than 10 countries. it has also provided high quality products for world renowned companies such as vodafone, at&t, france telecom, orange, t-mobile, tim, mexico telecom and philippines telecom.<br>from 2006, sagem mobiles ningbo co., ltd began manufacturing mobile phones for sony ericsson.<br>from april 2009, sagem mobiles ningbo co., ltd will market its products in mainland china under the sagetel brand with the concept of technology leads fashion.<br>sagem mobiles(ningbo)co.,ltd holding korea hyundai mobile.


  • 公司名称: 宁波麦博韦尔移动电话有限公司
  • 法人代表: 徐锡广
  • 注册资本: 2540万美元
  • 经营状态: 存续
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
  • 所属行业: 电子/半导体/集成电路
  • 成立时间: 2002年11月19日
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91330283742197236M
  • 注册地址: 浙江省宁波市奉化区大成东路999号
  • 公司地址: 浙江省宁波市奉化区大成东路999号
  • 经营范围:




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
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  • 肖先生 · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
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  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制