







  360是中国领先的互联网和手机安全产品及服务供应商。据第三方统计,按用户数量计算,360是中国第二大互联网公司,最大的互联网安全公司。作为互联网“免费安全”的首创者,360成立以来,秉承“用户利益至上”的原则,以颠覆式创新的模式,通过产品技术创新、用户体验创新和商业模式创新,改变了市场格局,并建构出全球互联网前所未有的“360模式”。创新和开放是360的dna。360通过提供完善的平台和网络安全服务,以开放平台模式实现商业价值,与合作伙伴共同建立起多方共赢的互联网生态体系。作为中国最大互联网安全公司,360拥有国内规模最大的高水平安全技术团队,旗下360安全卫士、安全浏览器、360安全桌面、360手机卫士、360手机助手、好搜等系列产品深受用户好评,使360成为无可争议的网络安全***。2011年3月在美国纽约证券交易所上市(股票代码nyse:qihu ),是发展最快的中国互联网公司。截止的pc端产品和服务的月活跃数达到5.产品的用户渗透率超96%;使用360手机卫士的智能手机用户总数已达7.浏览器的月度活跃用户达到3.61亿,在国产浏览器中处于领先地位;360个性化起始页和其子页面的日均独立访问用户为1.32亿人,日均点击量约为6.手机助手用户数超5亿,拥有中国安卓分发平台的最大市场份额。据第三方统计,360搜索(好搜)市场份额达到30%,成为中国搜索市场的重要参与者。about qihoo 360qihoo 360 technology co. ltd. (qihoo 360) is a leading internet company in china as measured by its active user base.  qihoo 360 offers comprehensive internet and mobile security products and services for free to over 700 million internet users.  with friendly and interactive user experience and leading cloud-based internet security technologies, qihoo 360’s products are trusted by massive and loyal users who enjoy qihoo 360's real-time protection for their daily online activities.recognizing security as a fundamental need of all internet and mobile users, qihoo 360 has built the large user base by offering comprehensive, effective and user-friendly internet and mobile security products and services to protect users' computers and mobile devices against malware and malicious websites.  qihoo 360’s products and services are supported by the cloud-based security technology, which qihoo 360 believes is one of the most advanced and robust technologies in the internet security industry. qihoo 360 also provides users with two very important secure access points to internet: web browsers and app store.  qihoo 360 currently monetizes the massive user base primarily through offering online advertising and internet value-added services.founded in september 2005, qihoo 360 is now a big family with more than 6,000 employees. on march 30th 2011, qihoo 360 was listed on nyse under the ticker “qihu” as the first chinese security company. all these incredible achievements have been reached by qihoo 360’s hard-working and creative team only within 10 years.qihoo 360 offers comprehensive internet and mobile security products and services for free to over 700 million internet users in china.360 safe guardour flagship security product and a one-stop solution for internet security and system performance optimization.360 mobile safea security program for the google android, apple ios and nokia symbian smartphone operating systems.360 browsers360 safe browser integrates microsoft trident and webkit, which provide our users an optimized browsing experience.360 mobile assistanta comprehensive android-based mobile application store that enables users to download, install and manage applications on their mobile phones by simply connecting them with a usb cable.total monthly active users of qihoo 360's products and services reached a record 509 million in 2014 december, user penetration of qihoo 360's products was 96% .total smartphone users of qihoo 360's primary mobile security product reached approximately 744 million in 2014 december.monthly active users of qihoo 360's browsers reached 361million in 2014 december, user penetration of qihoo 360's browsers reached 68.1% .



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