







  fil (大连)科技有限公司--富达在中国设立的第一家独资公司富达国际投资(fil limited)成立于1969年,是投资管理行业倍受信赖的全球领导者。公司在全球24个国家和地区设有办事机构,拥有员工超过6,000名。富达国际投资的主要业务是资产管理,为美国及加拿大以外的世界各地的机构和个人投资者提供服务。截至2014年3月31日,富达国际投资管理的客户总资产逾2,749亿美元,连同行政管理服务的总资产逾3,502亿美元,旗下拥有700多只股票、固定收益、地产和资产配置基金。富达国际投资与投资者、金融咨询机构和分销商紧密合作,提供易于获取的基金信息,帮助投资者达到其中/长期投资目标及退休储蓄计划。富达国际投资是一家由创始人家族、管理层和高级员工共同持股的独立公司。富达国际投资独特的所有权结构,以投资管理为重点以及庞大的投资管理规模,使其能够着眼于长期投资,并能够将大量的资金投资于科技和后台系统。富达国际投资深厚扎实的公司研究使其独树一帜富达国际投资采取积极的资产管理策略,严密细致的基本面研究在投资过程中居核心地位。富达国际投资认为,由于市场并非完全有效,市场、行业和个股的价值时常会被高估或低估,而投资研究可以挖掘出其中蕴藏的盈利机会。 富达国际投资的公司基本面分析以“自下而上”研究为基础。投资组合构建从个股遴选开始,同时也考虑市场总体走势,但不会被市场走势所主导。投资组合经理负责管理自己的基金,在展现自身管理特色的同时,也受惠于富达国际投资超过340名以及位于美国的fmr llc超过650名专业投资人员的全球研究成果。富达国际投资在全球各地的专业投资人员定期走访公司高级管理层,深入现场考察公司的经营生产场地。对于富达国际投资的每一家公司,投资管理人员会与供应商、经销商和客户举行会谈,形成对公司的全方位了解。借助规模优势,富达国际投资的投研人员能够与公司管理层保持有效沟通,也能够吸引、培养最优秀的人才。富达国际投资管理团队的人员流失率极低,分析师和基金经理的平均服务年数很长。fil(大连)科技有限公司成立于2007年,是富达在中国设立的第一家独资公司。 公司正迅速成为卓越的技术开发和业务支持中心,通过系统开发为富达在全球的成长型企业提供系统支持,重点在于为亚太和欧洲的各种零售集团、金融机构和金融公司开发世界领先水平的基于网络和移动技术的解决方案。主要承担以下几方面的职能:-为富达国际投资亚太及欧洲提供系统开发和支持-为富达国际投资亚太提供系统设施支持-为富达国际投资亚太提供零售客户服务支持-为富达国际投资亚太提供基金业务及客户服务支持-为富达国际投资亚太提供财务业务支持-为富达国际投资亚太提供投资调查分析富达,为您提供国际化的工作环境,具有竞争力的薪酬福利和实现职业梦想的平台。富达企业文化-   信任建设者-   企业智囊-   诚信服务-   使命必达about fidelity worldwide investmentfidelity worldwide investment is a global leader in asset management, providing investment products and services to individuals and institutions in the uk, continental europe, the middle east and asia pacific. established in 1969, the company has over 6,000 staff in 24 countries and manages or administers client assets of us$274.9 bn (as at 31/03/14). it has over 7 million customer holdings and manages more than 700 equity, fixed income, property and asset allocation funds. the company’s fund managers receive research from one of the largest proprietary research teams, based in 12 countries around the world. fidelity worldwide investment is an independent asset management company which is privately’s investment style relies on fundamental research of companies and a strict bottom-up portfolio construction discipline. this means fidelity’s analysts and portfolio managers look closely at a company’s balance sheet and future plans; meet regularly with and question its management; and then speak to its competitors, suppliers, customers and anyone else who might give them information that helps to assess whether the investment is a good one. every investment in every portfolio is selected on its merit and ability to contribute to a better return.the same can be said of its employees, who are encouraged to take intelligent risk in order to make small improvements that cumulatively improve the business. fidelity is independent, not a subsidiary of a big bank or other institution, and is privately owned. this means that it can take long-term investment decisions rather than chase the next quarterly results as a listed company might. fidelity believes its independence is a considerable advantage that benefits its well as investment management, fidelity distributes the funds of other managers through its fundsnetwork™ platform, administers pension schemes, and has interests in various other enterprises in europe and asia. for further information please visit fil technology (dalian) limitedestablished in 2007, fil technology (dalian) limited was the fidelity’s first wholly owned enterprise in china. the dalian office initially served as a systems development centre to bolster fidelity’s growing business in the asia pacific region, with a primary focus on providing technology and web-based support and services. the office has continued to expand in recent years and now acts as the central service hub for the asia pacific region supporting multiple business functions including systems development and support, systems infrastructure support, retail client services, finance accounting services and investment administration u0026 fund accounting for the japan business.we believe fidelity’s success as an international financial services provider is a result of our commitment to act in the best interests of our clients.  the independence we enjoy as a privately owned company enables us to focus on developing innovative products and providing the highest levels of customer service.  we have always believed that being able to focus and specialize on the field of asset management has helped us to succeed.fidelityu0026#39;s success has always depended on attracting creative and energetic people. service and quality require dedicated and committed people, cooperating in a team environment. our business is very much a people business. it is the talent and enthusiasm of all our employees that gives us our competitive advantage and ensures our continued success, keeping the company ahead of the competition. we reward our talented and ambitious staff with a combination of competitive salaries, bonuses and equity share arrangements, giving them a stake in the success of the business.


  • 公司名称: FIL(大连)科技有限公司
  • 法人代表: 李十雨
  • 注册资本: 500万美元
  • 经营状态: 存续
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
  • 所属行业: 计算机软件
  • 成立时间: 2007年05月22日
  • 统一社会信用代码: 912102316611070599
  • 注册地址: 辽宁省大连高新技术产业园区软件园东路21号12号楼601室
  • 公司地址: 辽宁省大连高新技术产业园区软件园东路21号12号楼601室
  • 经营范围:




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
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手机版: fil科技招聘
  • 人力资源部 · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制