







  公司介绍 深圳微泰斯生物(VTXBio)工程有限公司由德国回国留学生创建,并经由政府认证海外归国人才创办,入驻由政府支持的南山区科技园留学生创业大厦,致力于研发和推广德国微生物应用专利技术。 微泰斯生物拥有“易卫士”品牌微生物民用产品,以环保及安全为产品特征,并全部经由德国进口,为去味、清洁,甲醛消除等领域的高端品牌。 微泰斯生物同时代理德国进口的纯生物环保去味剂及系列生物环保产品,涵盖各个使用领域:汽车、家装、生活日用等等,目前产品线日趋完善,开始招商及销售工作。 作为带有浓厚创业气氛的微型高科技德国生物技术推广企业,微泰斯生物欢迎有事业野心的伙伴加入。 Based on nature. Microbetechnology。Without alcohol. Without petrochemical ingredients.Nonflammable. Non-corrosive(safe for furniture, textile, leather and skin).Authorized for food contact. Require no safety labeling. 100% biodegradable.Cruelty free. Without animal extracts. With organic botanical extracts. SGScertification* None-petrochemical products eves? uses the technical progress of life sciences to contribute to improving living conditions and preserving the environment. Today, other than petrochemical products, real eco-biological and economical solutions are available to you by eves. From commercializing cleaning products to treating and eliminating organic pollutants (maximum 500 times faster than natural way), this is possible thanks to high technology processes of more than 20 years research of VTXBio in the area of microbe technology. 产品介绍 eves(R) All Biological ways to improve Avoid ecological damage Anti Formaldehyde & TVOCS (ALL TVOCS) ==================================== With biosurfactant? & organic botanicalextracts --------eves(R)--------- GB eves(R) anti formaldehyde & TVOCsspray(anti formaldehyde & TVOCs atomization/Anti odors for home/ antiformaldehyde & TVOCs spray for cars/ anti odors for cars/ anti-odors fortextiles/ Odors eliminator spray/anti odors for pets) has been speciallyformulated for neutralizing and permanently eliminating formaldehyde & TVOCs(allthe odors and TVOCs for home use/ all the odors and TVOCs for car interiors/all kinds of odors for clothes and textiles /all kind of odors/the odors ofhouse pets). This Eco-designed and natural bio-environmental spray(This Eco-designedand natural bio-environmental atomization agent/) rapidly accelerates thedegradation process of the indoor(carinterior) pollutants including formaldehyde, benzene, TVOCs, etc. As (aneco-designed and) natural product, containing only biosurfactant? and organicbotanical extracts as scavenger, eves? offers a safest way to lower the effectsof the indoor pollutants into minimum, while leaving a pleasant smell of purebotanic essential oil(eves? eliminates all odors from the source immediately,leaving a pleasant smell of pure botanic essential oiL/ eves? eliminates thepollutants from the source, improve the air quality in car immediately, whileleaving a pleasant smell of pure botanic essential oil). As a product which isauthorized for food contact and can be 100% bio-degraded in a very short periodof time, eves is safe and without any impact on both human beings and ournatural environment. Use: Spray a fine mist onto the furniture or textiles which needs to beprocessed. Leave to take effect for 2-6 hours in a confined space, thenreplenish the room with fresh air. *For the best results, repeatedly use thespray for at least 20 days. To optimize the depollution process, the eves? antiformaldehyde & TVOCs spray can be used with eves? atomizing version* ofindoor use. Orapply liberally and directly on the air indoor. This spray can immediatelyeliminate the pollutants in the air. Based on nature. Microbe technology。Withoutalcohol. Without petrochemical ingredients. Nonflammable. Non-corrosive(safefor furniture, textile, leather and skin). Authorized for food contact. Requireno safety labeling. 100% biodegradable. Cruelty free. Without animal extracts.With organic botanical extracts. SGS certification* Ingredients: VTX-Biopropellant*,Bio-surfactant*, botanic essential oil*, H2O Safe for daily use Caution: keep out of reach of children store in a cool place


  • 公司名称: 深圳市微泰斯生物工程有限公司
  • 法人代表: DUAN XIAO
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 经营状态: 存续
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
  • 所属行业: 医疗/护理/美容/保健/卫生服务
  • 成立时间: 2012年03月09日
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91440300591897525T
  • 注册地址: 深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍社区固戍一路108号正奇隆大厦201
  • 公司地址: 深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍社区固戍一路108号正奇隆大厦201
  • 经营范围:




  • 推荐公司
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