

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制



  景福线路板有限公司是一家专业生产双面及多层线路板的高新技术线路板服务企业。公司成立于1999年,现有厂房面积平方米,员工900余人,年产能50万平米。 产品市场定位“多品种、中小批量、短交期”,广泛用于通讯、计算机、工业控制、汽车、家用电器和航空航天等高科技领域。产品80%以上外销,主要销往欧洲、日本、美国、亚洲(除中国)等国家和地区。 公司自成立以来,一直坚持以市场为导向,以客户需求为中心的经营服务理念。同时,致力于国际品质接轨,在ERP系统运作和精益的生产模式管理下,从2000年期相继通过了ISO(NO.UQR0)、UL (File No.E) 和ISO:2004 (No.UEF) 认证。 我们竭诚为客户提供良好的品质、优秀的服务、以及极富竞争力的价格。期待与各界携手共同发展,共创辉煌。 Kingford was founded in the year 1999 and is a professional PCB enterprise that mainly produces double-sided, multi-layer circuit boards and high-tech circuit boards. The existing plant consists of an area of  square meters and has more than 900 employees with an annual output capacity of about  square meters.   Our product markets position to be a big variety of circuit boards, small batches with short lead time and prompt delivery. Our circuit boards are widely used for a few applications such as telecommunications, computers, industrial controls, automotive, home appliances, and aerospace and other high-tech fields etc. We have more than about 80% of the products are exported to European countries, the United States, the Asian countries (excluding China) and about 20% of the products to some other countries and regions.   Since its inception, the company has always insisted that the market-oriented service concept to meet most customers’ demands as the central core of the business. At the same time, we commit ourselves to working with international quality standards in the operation of the ERP systems and lean production model management. In the year 2000, our mill has acquired certifications such as the ISO (No.UQR0),UL (File No.E) and ISO:2004 (No.UEF) .   Our dedication is to provide all customers with good quality of goods, excellent services with highly competitive pricing, and we do look forward to working together as partnership and creating a brighter future with all esteemed customers worldwide.


  • 公司名称: 深圳市鑫景福科技有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 零售业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司
  • 地址: 深圳市宝安区福海街道新和社区富桥三区二期厂房A1三层
  • 企业规模: 小于50人
  • 法人代表: 焦华民
  • 注册资本: 500万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2012年04月01日
  • 注册号: 440306106123767
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91440300593037887H
  • 组织机构代码: 593037887
  • 登记机关: 宝安局
  • 注册地址: 深圳市宝安区福海街道新和社区富桥三区二期厂房A1三层
  • 营业期限: 2012-04-01至2022-04-01
  • 核准日期: 2018年09月18日
  • 经营范围:
    高精度SMT贴片、汽车电子产品、智能家居、工业控制及通讯设备、电子产品(线路板装配和整机)的研发、销售和相应的技术服务;电子元器件、线路板、五金配件、模具的技术开发与销售;国内贸易、货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规或者国务院 决定禁止和规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外)^高精度SMT贴片、汽车电子产品、医疗电子产品、智能家居、工业控制及通讯设备、电子产品(线路板装配和整机)的生产与装配测试;医疗电子产品的销售。






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