





  金宝贝早教中心<br>gymboree金宝贝,1976年成立于美国,是全球早教第一品牌,30多年幼儿潜能开发经验,分支机构遍布全世界40多个国家,700多个教育中心。gymboree是0-5岁幼儿最快乐的双语天地,提供育教寓乐的学习课程,包括音乐、艺术和育乐,我们引导父母和孩子一起快乐成长。gymboree2003年正式进入中国,6年以来,已在全国已成立140多个教育中心,遍及全国除西藏和青海以外的各省,包括上海,北京,广州,深圳,大连,济南,杭州,苏州,天津,武汉,西安,重庆等。未来2年计划在中国成立共200个教育中心。<br>2009年9月,gymboree金宝贝即将在青岛盛大开业。如果你真诚,开朗,善于沟通,热爱孩子和早教事业,我们将诚挚邀请您加入我们的精英团队一展才华。我们将为您提供环境优雅、设备先进的工作环境,完善的培训计划、广阔的发展空间及优厚的薪资福利待遇。<br><br>gymboree,founded in 1976 in the usa,is the global leader in early childhood development program. based on its 30 years of research and experiment in the field, gymboree helped families in over 40 countries and regions to learn and enjoy early childhood development through music, art, and play. everyday,over  families participate in early childhood development programs offered by gymboree. more than 700 gymboree centers covering the americas europe, and asia offer programs which systematically develop a 0-5 year-old child's potentials, guide young parents to study their child's growth, and understand the world of infants and children.<br><br>gymboree landed in china 6 years ago and so far we have established more than 140 centers in china.gymboree china will continue to expand its business in the coming years,planning to establish up to 200 centers in the whole of china in the next two years.<br><br>this september,gymboree will land grandly in qingdao.sign up to become a part of the gymboree team today!<br><br>请将简历及照片发至:,并注明应聘职位。</p>


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