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Flower Monaco 花芽, 源于欧洲的原创品牌. AIC理念的开创者和践行者.
Flower Monaco, the creator and practitioner of the AIC philosophy, is a original brand originated in Euro.

From Da Vinci to Picasso, from Raphael to Monnai... Art and Education make Euro shining through the historical stage of human Education.

Flower Monaco, 创立至今,始终传承欧洲先进的教育理念,沿袭欧洲纯正美学传统,不断追求创新,将艺术,想象,创造三者合理融合,开发出适合0-12岁儿童的AIC教育理念与创意美术的新模式。
Since Flower Monaco founded, we have been inheriting the advantage educational philosophy of Euro, also the pure art traditional. At the same time, we keep creating, making a reasonable combination of art、imagination and creation developing a new creative methodology and the AIC Educational philosophy which is suitable for 0-12 years old children.

开辟了与传统美术用具不一样的新领域, 打造属于艺术材料的新标准,用专业的,新型的,适合发展的工艺,创意,设计确保艺术品质. Flower Monaco 创立了AIC新理念, 艺术[【Art】 想象【Image】, 创造【Create】的完美结合。
These help us create a new domain which is different from the traditional art tools. We are striving for a new criterion of art materials with a professional、bran-new、developable idea to guarantee our quality of art.
Flower Monaco create the AIC philosophy which means the perfect combination of Art,Imagination and creation.

A is Art, 在艺术中,我挥洒着属于自由的想象创造。I is Image, 在想象中,我找到了属于快乐的艺术创造。C is Create, 在创造中,我发现了属于新奇的艺术想象。 我们始终坚信,在孩子成长的过程中,AIC处处存在,我们应当创新艺术材料,成就品质童年。
A is Art. With Art, I am waving the imagine creation which belongs to freedom. I is Imagination. With imagination, I find the art creation which belongs to happiness. C is Creation. With Creation, I discover the art imagination which belongs to novelty. We always believe in that in the  growth process of children, AIC exists everywhere. It’s our duty to innovate our children’ art materials to help them accomplish a brilliant childhood.
AIC, 艺术,想象,创造,这是Flower Monaco花芽无处不在的品牌理念,也是Flower Monaco历久弥新的品质积淀。
AIC, Art, Imagination,Creation, this is not only a brand philosophy existing in our bones, but also a long term deposit of Flower Monaco.

Brand features - inventiveness, elaboration,happiness

Brand slogan - create with inventiveness, approach with elaboration

Brand principle - treat every child as a blooming flower, create an art world for our children

Flower Monaco 花芽是一种特立独行的童年体验,这样的童年时刻充满着爱与精心的亮点;Flower Monaco 花芽是一种属于童趣的生活态度,所有的成年人都在我们的匠心创造中找到他们也曾希冀的童趣;Flower Monaco 花芽也是一种爱的拓展,用自己独特的艺术创造让父母与之一起拓宽爱的维度;Flower Monaco 花芽更是一种属于自由创造的财富,用健康的材质,好的创意,让孩子们找到艺术自由的乐趣。
Flower Monaco is an unique experience of childhood surrounded by many highlight spots of love and elaboration; Flower Monaco is an innocent attitude of childhood helping all adults finding their wishful childhood happiness in our inventive creation; Flower Monaco is an expand of love making children use their unique creativity broaden the love dimensionality with their parents; Flower Monaco also is a wealth of freely creation.


  • 公司名称: 宁波市花芽创意设计有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 专业技术服务业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 地址: 宁波市鄞州区首南街道天达巷252号504室
  • 企业规模: 小于50人
  • 法人代表: 陈侠男
  • 注册资本: 117.65万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2016年08月25日
  • 注册号: 330212000565277
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91330212MA282J2628
  • 组织机构代码: MA282J262
  • 登记机关: 宁波市鄞州区市场监督管理局
  • 注册地址: 宁波市鄞州区首南街道天达巷252号504室
  • 营业期限: 2016-08-25至无固定期限
  • 核准日期: 2018年06月12日
  • 经营范围:





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