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福利信息由公司提供,不同的职位福利待遇会略有差别,详细职位福利待遇请与柏威皮革制品有限公司   招聘方联系


  公司及集团介绍 鹤山柏威皮革制品有限公司是皮革行业知名的外商企业。公司秉承低碳环保理念,致力于研发最生态制革技术、皮革整饰新技术以及其他制革技术,加工皮革、皮革制品、皮革半成品及其副产品,所生产的lite生态环保皮革在全球汽车及制鞋行业享有盛誉。 柏威皮革不仅生产质量上乘产品, 还为行业提供最优质服务,更通过减少二氧化碳排放,最大化原料使用率,科学循环再利用,以及采用先进废水处理技术等方法将生态环保理念贯彻落实。 福利条件 公司执行5天工作制,员工享受带薪年假,购买社保及住房公积金,每天有班车往返沙坪,每周往返广州,公司提供条件良好的住宿及生活环境。 Heshan Bestway Leather Product Ltd. locates in Heshan city of china, we are a foreign invested company producing lite(low impact to the environment) leather for automotive and footwear industries. The company is dedicated to produce premium leathers designed for rugged outdoor & work shoes, servicing major european and north american brands, such as Timberland, Wolverine, Merrell, New balance, Keen, etc. in the automotive business the company produces leather for finishing. Through lite leather, Heshan Bestway defines the standard for environmental responsibilities. A team effort of Heshan Bestway makes it possible to accomplish our commitment that is to service our industry delivering top quality leathers, perform as the leader in eco-friendly leather solutions and continually develope new technologies and earth-friendly solutions. 应聘要求application requirement: 有英文要求的职位请应聘时同时发送中英文简历please send chinese and english resume together if apply the vacancies with english communication skill.



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