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  深圳希思医疗美容医院是一所由著名国际金融公司、保险机构、医科大学联合创办的国际化医疗美容医院,是韩国首尔国立大学医学院临床教学基地、北京大学美业EMBA教学医院、南方医科大学远程视频会诊中心合作机构。医院坐落于深圳罗湖CBD,紧邻深圳地标建筑——京基100大厦,面积近万平方米,拥有法国宫廷巴洛克风格的建筑外观与简欧式的内部环境,演绎时尚与美感。 用时光雕刻艺术,用品质演绎经典。希思人从一开始就秉承国际化的经营理念,汇集美、德、日、韩、台湾等国际顶级的专家团队和先进的医学设备,与全球数十家医疗美容科研机构建立了长期战略伙伴关系,主攻和引进国际前沿整形美容科研技术,在内窥镜微创、活细胞抗衰老、面部年轻化等整形美容新领域,保持国际领先地位。 健康医美、时尚医美是希思人的塑美主张。美是一种态度,美是一种时尚,是由内而外散发的健康与魅力。希思人将医学、美学、功能医学、再生医学、运动学、心理学、营养学融为一体,坚持从医学道德出发,以医学规范、安全为基础,结合国际化审美理念,为求美者提供整形美容、皮肤美容、微整形美容、口腔美容、中医美容、健康管家、心理咨询等全面美丽管理,塑造全新自我。 希思的logo与名字源自古希腊神话中负责司掌青春的女神——希比,她漂亮而活泼可爱,是个永远年轻貌美的青春女神。希思以此作为图腾与守护神,寓意用心帮助更多女性拥有精致的五官、完美的身材、如雪的肌肤以及发自内心的自信。希思承诺:我们将尽特大的努力,帮助每一位求美者安全无忧的实现美丽心愿,像希比永远年轻美丽! ZS, is located in Shenzhen, Luohu CBD Central Business District Red Ridge Road No. 1022, is from Shenzhen Guodan Group invested to build, sets plastic beauty, skin beauty, oral beauty, body image, beauty health, fashion, beauty image design consulting services in one of China's top clubs beauty medical institutions. Brand to the Greek mythology goddess as Siebe totem and patron saint of France, the United States, via, Germany and South Korea, different technology, culture, philosophy and the arts and baptism, in 2012 landed in Shenzhen, the glory of the. Heath is China's first hundred years background of world class institutions beauty chain, the most by the Chinese and foreign media attention international plastic chain of institutions, Seoul National University College of medicine clinical teaching base, Peking University Teaching Hospital, the Southern Medical University industry in the United States and EMBA remote video consultation center. ZS, the medical technology level as the hospital establish a courtyard this, adhering to the " fine, fashion, art, safety, quality, responsibility" plastic beauty concept, medical and art of the perfect combination of leading Chinese cosmetic undertakings into the advanced individual " private custom, mind and body beautification " era, forming " enjoy, private, boutique" modernization service model. ZS has an incomparable French courtly Baroque architectural appearance, and Jane European internal environment layout, installed inside and exterior design are integrated into the French romantic artistic elements, internal and external decoration design competitions in both won the " golden roc award ". At the same time, Heath also owns China's unique beauty Museum, telling the history of the development of thousands of years of beauty. Let each one for the United States to fully understand the beauty of ancient history, modern history and contemporary history; cosmetic exhibition, laser beauty exhibition, oral beauty exhibition, Chinese medicine beauty exhibition, display of rich beauty knowledge and all kinds of beauty products, so that everyone on the medical beauty has a more intuitive understanding of. To build the global star micro plastic base, for Chinese and foreign elite politics, showbiz star, business tycoons and other celebrities to provide all-round, personalized, targeted high-end beauty services. ZS has "South Korea to grind bone first person " the special allowance of the State Council of doctoral tutor Professor Liu Dalie, " Tao of Cy Young technology " Professor Tao Hongwei, South Korea's MVP Orthopedic Hospital Dean Professor Cui Yuzhi, Seoul National University medical school Dean Professor Shen Dongmin, " the European seamless augmentation technology " founders of the German Berlin Meiyibuge in plastic and aesthetic surgery hospital president Dr. Berlin Mei Yi Bugge and others led the top professional medical beauty expert team. Brings together from the United States, France, Korea, Germany and China Taiwan region, the plastic technique and idea, as the United States seeking to provide safety technical support and no country can enjoy world-class cosmetic master brings top medical beauty services. ZS is committed to high-tech applications in the medical beauty, spending huge sums to the introduction of the international most advanced equipment and materials, as Alma lasers, the United States, the United States, the United States of America shows it, USA, the United States of America mentor McGonagall AI Erjian, Swiss Blue ( Restylane ) and other global top manufacturers designated service agencies. Heath will be the top international medical beauty technology into China, leading the Chinese medical beauty technology into fine era, and strive for China's Amy to provide specialization, internationalization, brand of medical beauty services, to create a new chapter of Chinese medicine beauty


  • 公司名称: 深圳希思医疗美容医院股份有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 批发业
  • 公司类型: 股份有限公司(非上市)
  • 地址: 深圳市罗湖区红岭中路1022号长虹九层综合楼
  • 企业规模: 100-499人
  • 法人代表: 李金圆
  • 注册资本: 742万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2004年06月08日
  • 注册号: 440307102826586
  • 统一社会信用代码: 914403007634632812
  • 组织机构代码: 763463281
  • 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
  • 注册地址: 深圳市罗湖区红岭中路1022号长虹九层综合楼
  • 营业期限: 2004-06-08至无固定期限
  • 核准日期: 2016年12月26日
  • 经营范围:





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