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  Technicolor Group特艺集团是拥有130年以上历史的全球领先数字多媒体通讯企业,全球第一大网关提供商,第二大机顶盒厂商;全球超过的员工,拥有项专业,是世界上拥有专利权最多的公司之一。从世界第1台无线网关产品和第1台DECT三网融合机顶盒的研发、量产,到现在,全球有超过,000家庭正在使用我们的网关和机顶盒产品 。
Technicolor, a worldwide technology leader in the media and entertainment sector, is a multinational company who is developing, creating and delivering immersive augmented digital life experiences in Technology, Entertainment Services and Connected Home businesses.
As one of key business group of Technicolor, Connected Home offers a wide range of solutions to Pay-TV operators and network service providers for the delivery of digital entertainment, data, voice, and smart home services. Through the design and supply of products such as set-top boxes, gateways and managed wireless tablets, Technicolor Connected Home offers connected life solutions with achievements in term of worldwide shipment volume in 2013:
300 million digital home devices shipped
#1 in gateways
#2 in set-top boxes

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