
柯达图文影像集团 kodak graphic communications group (gcg)

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福利信息由公司提供,不同的职位福利待遇会略有差别,详细职位福利待遇请与柯达图文影像集团 kodak graphic communications group (gcg)招聘方联系


  kodak's graphic communications group (gcg) offers image capture systems;professional color, copydot and high-speed document scanning systems;inkjet printing and proofing systems; workflow and color management software; thermal imaging devices for film, plates and proofs;high-quality proofing media, printing plates and recording film;on-demand color and black-and-white printing systems; data storage products and professional services.<br>with corporate headquarters located in rochester, n.y, kodak (nyse: ek) had sales of $14.3 billion in 2005 and is committed to a digitally oriented growth strategy.please visit for more detalis.<br>请提供应聘资料,并注明应聘职位。<br>1、中、英文履历<br>2、近照<br>3、身份证及学历复印件<br>4、联系电话


广州市中山六路232-238号越秀新都会东座1709室  查看大图

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