
花旗软件技术服务(上海)有限公司 citicorp software and technology services (shanghai) limited

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  citicorp software and technology services (shanghai) limited (“csts”)<br>citigroup, one of the world’s leading financial services companies, provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services in more than 100 countries.<br>citicorp software and technology services (shanghai) limited (“csts”), a subsidiary of citibank n.a and member of the citigroup, was established in august 2002 to provide software development and technology support for citigroup businesses worldwide.<br>the core business of csts is to provide software development and technology services to support citibank businesses in the asia-pacific region, the middle east, europe and africa regions, working integrally with citigroup’s international technology organization (ito) based in singapore.  our company is headquartered in shanghai and employs more than 1000 software engineers and technical staff in our shanghai and dalian development centers. <br>it is our vision to become a “center of excellence” in banking software, both for citigroup and for china. our vision, our local talent, our world-class facilities, and our global franchise and expertise make csts an important contributor to the development of china’s it sector and an important support element of citigroup’s global operations. <br>being part of citigroup, a career in csts offers opportunity and diversity to grow and pursue challenges in a wide array of functions and businesses in many locations globally within a world-class organization. csts will continue to recruit and develop the local talent that can contribute towards achieving our vision, our business goals and our mission of “building people creating value, building structure creating quality”.<br><br>花旗软件技术服务(上海)有限公司<br>2002年8月,花旗集团旗下的花旗银行在上海成立了其附属子公司,花旗软件技术服务(上海)有限公司(以下简称“花旗软件”)。作为花旗集团成员之一,花旗软件的目标是通过提供软件开发和相关技术服务支持花旗集团全球业务的发展。<br>花旗软件目前和花旗银行国际技术中心一起主要为花旗集团亚太、中东及欧洲及非洲等国家或地区提供软件开发和技术支持。总部在上海,在上海和大连开发中心我们共拥有逾千位开发人员。<br>花旗的远见卓识、花旗的人才、花旗世界级的设施以及花旗全球网络和金融it专知使花旗软件成为中国金融it产业的重要贡献者,也成为花旗集团全球运营的重要组成部分。我们的远景——成为卓越的金融软件研发中心支持花旗集团全球业务。<br>花旗软件将继续招聘并培养我们的本地优秀人才,巩固我们在集团个人消费银行软件技术服务方面的领导地位。“我们提供的不只是工作机会,提供完整的职业发展机会”,“我们提供的不仅仅是在中国的发展机会,提供的是全球的发展机会!”<br><br>for those who are interested in the above positions, please send your application letter together with resume and recent photo to cstshr@citigroup.com<br><br>please indicate the position you are applying for in the subject.<br>please indicate that you are responding to 51job.com in the subject!<br>to avoid email delivery problem, application through 51job preferred.请通过51job投递简历。<br>or post to: 花旗软件技术服务(上海)有限公司人事部,上海浦东张江高科技园区郭守敬路498号19号楼3楼,邮编,并请在信封上注明应聘职位。


上海浦东张江高科技园区郭守敬路498号19号楼3楼  查看大图

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