
东方链科技(深圳) 有限公司

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制

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  what is orient link<br><br>orient link is a group owned and managed by spanish interests, and performs commercial activities focused on china market place. our offices are located in shenzhen (p.r. china) and zaragoza (spain) from where we develop all these activities. <br><br>from this vantage, orient link maintains a direct view on the domestic market for import opportunities while developing close relationships with production management. this business is executed in a bilateral fashion acted as both agent and trading company. <br><br>who are the members of orient link<br><br>to make this work possible, orient link has recruited young and dynamic staff, from chinese and spanish nationalities, with knowledge and experience in business management and international trade. this multinational staff applies a range of language expertise including english, spanish, mandarin, french, italian, cantonese and japanese allowing for the smooth and direct transaction of business encompassing the globe. <br><br>our mission<br><br>with experience of crossing and dealing with language and culture barriers over a decade in china, orient link is well equipped in its business model. the agent-trading company relationship is being developed in order to build a network where offices will be set up in south asia and europe. this network will provide orient link and her clients a direct source for all facets of the import and export world. shipping, quality analysis, trading, order management, product designing can all be dealt with under the orient link umbrella providing streamlined business in a fragmented system.<br><br> <br><br>welcome to join orient link.


深圳市南山区南海大道新保辉大厦16楼mn室  查看大图

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