
宝富美(香港)公司广州代表处 polyconcept hongkong ltd guangzhou office

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制

福利信息由公司提供,不同的职位福利待遇会略有差别,详细职位福利待遇请与宝富美(香港)公司广州代表处 polyconcept hongkong ltd. guangzhou office招聘方联系

  polyconcept<br>far east<br>polyconcept is the global leader in the creation, development, sourcing, marketing and distribution of gift ,premium and promotional products with own offices in 25 countries all over the world, employing over 3,000 staff.<br><br>宝富美(香港)有限公司广州办事处<br>polyconcept trading (guangzhou) go., ltd.<br>interested candidates, who will be offered and attractive remuneration package, please send resume (english & chinese) with salary history. expected salary and availability to the human resources department at email:hr@pfgz.com quoting job title or by post.


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