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  mercure prime chengdu<br>成都紫微·美居酒店<br>诚邀有识之士加盟所述职位<br>prime hotel chengdu is going through major renova-tion, and, upon completion, will be rebranded as mercure prime chengdu. ideally located on chunxi road, this 500-room hotel will be the natural choice for business and leisure guests, chinese and foreigners.mercure, the mid-market brand of accor hotels man-aging over 4,000 hotels world-wide and 74 in greater china, offers warm, comfortable accommodation with impeccable and friendly international service.accor prides itself in offering its employees appealing benefits, extensive training, good working conditions and many opportunities for career growth<br><br>正全面装修的紫微酒店即将更名为成都紫微·美居酒店,隶属于法国雅高酒店管理集团管理。拥有500间房的成都紫微·美居酒店位于成都春熙路,无论您是商务客人还是度假休闲的旅游者,这里都是您的极佳选择。<br><br>更多信息请点击本公司网站。<br><br><br>雅高集团致力于为员工提供全方位的培训以及连续的职业发展生涯。<br>we are immediately hiring for the following positions. english skills and previous international hotel experience will be a plus.<br><br>please send your resume to us.<br>邮件请发至本公司邮箱。<br>所述职位即日征招,报名时间2008年11月5日截止,懂英文和有外资酒店管理履历者优先。<br><br>注:speak chinese and english<br>需要良好的英文基础

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