
武汉新华诺富特大饭店novotel xinhua wuhan

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制

福利信息由公司提供,不同的职位福利待遇会略有差别,详细职位福利待遇请与新华诺富特大饭店novotel xinhua wuhan招聘方联系


  武汉新华诺富特大饭店是一家国际五星级饭店,位于汉口金融商业中心,毗邻新世界写字楼及百货商场,拥有客房303间。饭店由全球最大的饭店管理集团之一法国雅高集团管理,4000家雅高饭店遍及全球,在中国超过17个城市拥有雅高品牌饭店……<br>centrally located in hankou, the city’s dynamic business and financial district, nestled right next door to the new world office building and department store, novotel xinhua wuhan boasts 303 guestrooms. novotel xinhua wuhan under management of accor france which is the biggest hotels management group in the world. accor runs its business over more than 4000 hotels in the world. there are accor owned brand hotels in more than 17 cities in china...<br>欢迎您的加入!我们将致力于为您提供极具竞争力的职业发展环境以及福利待遇!现诚招所述人才。<br>warmly welcome you join in our team, we're dedicated to provide the competitive career development environment. the available position is.<br>所述人员一经录用,酒店将提供良好的个人发展机会!<br>有意者请将个人简历、相关证件(包括身份证)和近期免冠照片(扫描件)投至企业邮箱至本公司。<br>



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