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  mfg.com, founded in 2000, is the largest online marketplace serving the global manufacturing community. billions of dollars worth of discrete manufacturing services and industrial components are sourced online via mfg.com every year. we are successful because we provide proven success for both buyers and suppliers. <br><br>our vision is to be the catalyst for the global manufacturing community to come together in an online environment and leverage the collective intelligence of the members to bring products to market faster, less expensively and more efficiently. we believe that for every company with a manufacturing need or challenge, an ideal supplier or uniquely prepared mind exists somewhere in the world. we are helping them find each other and do business together. <br><br>we are continually looking for the best minds in the world who are passionate about helping us make history as we bring efficiency to the world's largest and most important industry. <br><br>if you are a superstar in your field and agree with us that great businesses are built by delivering exceptional experiences and having fans as opposed to customers, we would love to hear from you. <br><br>expect to be challenged, held accountable and appropriately rewarded. <br><br>全球最大的制造业在线市场之一mfg.com成立于2000年,致力于让制造企业更有效的进行采购与销售工作。mfg.com帮买家快速找到最合适的优质供应商,让供应商有机会接触大量急需采购特定产品的买家。每天,全球买家在mfg.com的有效询盘价值总额达一亿美元。 <br><br>mfg.com集聚全球制造业买家的即时定制采购需求。通过将买家和供应商的信息按照行业特性进行标准化处理,mfg.com空前简化了制造业询盘工作,从而优化市场资源配置、帮助专业买家快速找到理想的供应商。 <br><br>mfg.com亚太欢迎充满激情的你,带着服务全球机械制造行业的热情、构建卓越电子商务的憧憬,与我们一起缔造历史,开拓创新并引导工业制造领域的采购活动、提高采购效率。 <br><br>



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