

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制



  flowserve is the world's premier provider of industrial flow management services. the company produces engineered pumps, precision mechanical seals, automated and manual quarter-turn valves, control valves and actuators, and provides a range of related flow management services, primarily for the process industries. with 2003 sales of almost $2.4 billion, flowserve has about  employees and operates in 56 countries through three divisions: the pump division, the flow control division, and the flow solutions divisions. <br><br>flowserve china is headquartered in shanghai, has sales office in beijing, shenzhen and other cities and set up plant in suzhou at present. flowserve china will build the local presence, establish local sourcing, manufacturing and more quickly response centers to meet domestic and  foreign customers’demand over next five years. <br><br>with the rapid business growth in china, we are looking for a few positions for china organization. if you like challenges and have the right stuff to succeed in a fast-paced environment, take a look at flowserve. for more information, please visit: http://www.flowserve.com, for more vacancy, please visit: http://www.51job.com


世纪大道1568号中建大厦9楼01/02/06/07单元  查看大图

当前位置: 人才网 > 宁波人才网 > 宁波仪器仪表/电工设备/工业自动化招聘 > flowserve福斯(上海)流体设备有限公司招聘

手机版: flowserve福斯(上海)流体设备有限公司招聘
