





  nypro is the famous manufacturing injection molding company with headquarters in clinton. mass. usa. nypro provides services mostly for fortune 500 companies worldwide in the field of electronics/ telecommunications, consumer/industrial, health care and automotive industries. u0026lt;bru0026gt;over 50 years ago, nypro began to build precision molding plants at strategic locations around the world. established in 2006, nypro have nearly 30 branch companies around the world with business in america, europe and asia. u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;guangzhou nypro molding plastics products co., ltd. is a sole american ventured company belonging to the american parent company. it is located in yi xing industrial estate, dong huan street, pan yu, guangzhou, and covers  square meters. as the company develops rapidly, the number of its employees has reached more than 800 from about 120 until now.u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;our valuesu0026lt;bru0026gt;- long term vision  u0026lt;bru0026gt;- total commitment to customers and our customersu0026#39; customers u0026lt;bru0026gt;- continuous improvement u0026lt;bru0026gt;- make a contribution u0026lt;bru0026gt;- be a leader u0026lt;bru0026gt;- create a positive and respectful environment u0026lt;bru0026gt;- ethical behavior u0026lt;bru0026gt;- nypro values are essential to profitable growth u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;five respectu0026lt;bru0026gt;- our employeesu0026lt;bru0026gt;- our customersu0026lt;bru0026gt;- our partnersu0026lt;bru0026gt;- our competitorsu0026lt;bru0026gt;- our communitiesu0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;our major customersu0026lt;bru0026gt;microsoft , motorola, nokia, johnson u0026johnson, plantronics, philips etc.u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;guangzhou nypro is in strict accordance to labor law, and its employees work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, with good wage and compensations and great chances to develop. to meet our rapid growth, nypro guangzhou is looking for qualified professionals to become part of our team member. if you are growth-oriented and have a background in management, precision plastics injection molding or other functional areas in a manufacturing environment, please send your chinese and english resumes to us. u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;we are looking forward to your coming aboard. standing together, hand in hand, we will create a glorious future.u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;nypro guangzhou do not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age (within statutory limits), race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/ expression or veteran status with respect to hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training.u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;应聘者乘车指引:u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;1. 广州市区 - 公司(易兴工业区路口下车): 番禺市桥 - 公司(易兴工业区路口下车)u0026lt;bru0026gt;乘坐1路、13路或15路公交车u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;3. 乘的士或自驾车u0026lt;bru0026gt;市广路番禺祁福酒店及富豪山庄之间,易兴工业区内u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;在易兴工业村站下车后,由村口直入或乘摩托车3元——u0026gt;在转台处右转,直走到底——u0026gt;广州耐普罗一厂u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;广州耐普罗公司招聘声明 u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;目前,我们有遇到一些不法分子打着我们耐普罗集团的名义招聘各类职位,为了确保各位求职者的人身安全及利益,本公司特向社会广大求职者郑重声明: u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;一、广州耐普罗公司招聘各类职位,会通过正规的社会广告或报纸、人才市场、正规的招聘网络等招聘渠道发布,请勿相信路边非法广告和非法职业介绍所刊登的职位广告。u0026lt;bru0026gt;二、广州耐普罗公司如果通知您来面试,我们会直接通过公司总机号码()来通知您具体的面试时间和路线,通知人员均为我司招聘人员。u0026lt;bru0026gt;三、广州耐普罗公司会与所有面试合格的候选人签订书面的录用通知,不会通过网络或邮件等其它方式发出录用通知。u0026lt;bru0026gt;四、广州耐普罗公司不向求职者收取任何费用及押金。u0026lt;bru0026gt;五、为了您的安全,请提高警惕!如您见到或接到任何可疑的面试信息,请及时和我们联系: u0026lt;bru0026gt;公司地址u0026lt;bru0026gt;邮政编码:u0026lt;bru0026gt;公司总机: u0026lt;


  • 公司名称: 广州耐普罗模具塑胶制品有限公司
  • 法人代表: James Robert Buonomo(詹武)
  • 注册资本: 320万美元
  • 经营状态: 注销
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
  • 所属行业: 计算机软件
  • 成立时间: 2001年09月26日
  • 注册地址: 广州市番禺区东环街易兴工业村
  • 公司地址: 广州市番禺区东环街易兴工业村
  • 经营范围:




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
频道介绍: 耐普罗模具塑胶制品招聘频道,智通人才网为求职者提供2024年最新耐普罗模具塑胶制品招聘信息,这里聚合了大量耐普罗模具塑胶制品相关信息,求职者可一键投递、立刻直聊、即时反馈,与HR开聊,找耐普罗模具塑胶制品相关工作就来智通人才网。
  • 人力资源部 · 暂时离开
  • 可能无法立即查看投递
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制
