







  北京民安信科技发展有限公司,成立于2004年,总部坐落于北京中关村科技园区海淀园。一直以来,公司以前瞻性的战略眼光和多年来对行业的潜心研究,始终坚持走在it行业创新的最前沿,努力按照客户要求提供全面、先进的解决方案,解决客户最棘手的问题,逐步发展成为紧跟世界领先技术的独立软件开发商和解决方案供应商。通过持续优化软件开发过程,能够为客户快速、可靠地交付满意的优质软件。公司的主要业务范畴涵盖医疗卫生、金融保险等领域。通过在业内经验的不断积累,在诸多行业精英及杰出研发人员的努力下,公司陆续发布的产品及解决方案包括:(maxtech-oa)协同办公平台(maxtech-psas)保险公估业务系统(maxtech-crm)客户关系管理系统(maxtech-oa)新一代协同办公系统(maxtech-ca)企业数字证书系统(maxtech-cms)内容管理系统(maxtech-erp)企业资源计划(maxtech-his)医疗服务平台(maxtech-scm)供应链管理系统(maxtech-cop)电子政务系统(maxtech-hr)人力资源管理系统(maxtech-olem)网上报销与费用管控系统在为诸多世界500强企业及国内知名企业提供软件产品或软件订制开发服务的过程中,公司擅长于提供适合企业需求的软件产品及理念新颖的软件开发服务,并建立起了长期合作的伙伴关系。作为应用软件产品的提供商,优质的服务是公司对客户最好的承诺。为此,我们专门成立了产品咨询部和售后服务部,由具有丰富咨询及实施经验的专业人士组成,从而确保公司一流的服务。这些富于创造力的前瞻性软件产品,与全球业界领先的软件开发商的战略联盟伙伴关系,以及完善的售后服务体系,构成了公司极具竞争力的运营模式,大幅提高了公司客户的整体运营效率。我们的使命我们为客户快速解决最紧迫问题,为企业的发展提供核心的竞争力!积极而坚定地为中国民族软件产业辉煌腾飞而不懈努力!我们的愿景成为国内一流,国际知名的专业的、系统的综合性软件服务集团公司!"国富民安 信达天下",我们要以坚定无私的信念谋求公司员工、公司客户、战略伙伴和社会多方共赢!以诚为本从方案设计、系统配置、客户服务到技术实现,从入职培训、管理理念到团队合作等,始终贯穿着这种精神,对客户对社会忠诚信用是我们的职业道德准则。用户至上对客户的信诺,是公司的最基本原则,是公司得以生存的法则,信守合同,不以市场变化为转移,不以公司收益为前提,客户的利益得到最大的保障是我们的宗旨。开拓进取走在行业的最前端,紧跟世界先进的技术是我们不断努力追求的源泉。技术是民安 信存在和保持长期发展的根本,敏锐关注、广泛吸取相关领域的最新技术,独立自 主和创造性地发展自己核心技术和产品系列,使我们的产品和服务始终保持技术的 竞争力。专业系统民安信科技致力于为客户提供最专业、系统化的解决方案,将世界上最领先的技术和产品引到国内,并通过自己的创新和服务,为各类的企业客户提供最好的解决方案,为企业的发展提供核心的竞争力。共同发展本着平等合作、互惠互利、优势互补的原则,合作伙伴、顾客、员工和股东共同分享企业的成功。在公司长期的经营实践发展过程中,专业的软件研发团队和良性竞争的企业发展环境,造就了民安信科技独有的企业文化。这些企业文化不仅是民安信科技的精神支柱,也推动着民安信科技核心竞争力的不断向前发展。民安信精神 ------ 诚信务实,快速交付。民安信技术 ------ 领先为翼,创新为怀。民安信质量 ------ 高标准,零缺陷。民安信服务 ------ 用户第一,服务最优。民安信方向 ------ 促进、促成中国民族软件事业的腾飞。核心竞争力快速软件交付 能否在最短的时间内交付稳定可靠的服务及产品,是检验客户投入是否成功的关键。我们拥有快速交付客户所需软件的优秀开发团队,确保快速实现客户的具有远见性、创新性想法,为客户节省时间,节约成本,赢得市场先机。有竞争力的价格 民安信是一个成长型的企业,坚持以软件技术研发为核心,通过整合最优的技术资源,成熟高效的管理团队,可实现具有弹性的竞争力的价格框架,提供最具“全方位的成本优势”来满足客户提交的软件需求,在确保软件质量及开发周期的同时,有效控制软件开发的成本。有经验的软件开发过程 软件开发是一个相对复杂的系统工程。对我们来说,很多情况下客户对软件需求的定义并不是十分清晰。而需求定义及理解的错误,将导致软件项目的巨大风险甚至失败。但是,我们具有多年成功实施大型项目的经验,懂得怎样来引导、挖掘出用户的业务需求,进而转变成实际的软件需求。我们会与用户进行持续的反馈及交流,并让客户通过项目管理图表工具,即时掌握当前项目开发团队的状态及进程,让用户充分了解整个开发的流程。优秀软件项目管理团队 实践出真知,无论是c/s结构的小型机时代的金融系统,还是b/s结构的web信息系统,民安信科技都拥有经验丰富项目管理团队,实行国际软件开发流程标准化管理,快速、高效地交付产品。作自己擅长的事情 我们擅长开发的语言基于java、c、c++、c#、php.对于技术方向的选择,民安信科技具备独到的前瞻眼光。无论是java ee平台架构开发企业级的应用,还是soa整合企业信息系统,民安信科技均驾轻就熟,业精于此。同时,对于我们不太擅长的技术及领域,我们也会诚恳地告诉客户,什么是我们不善长的,并为客户提供有益的相关建议。company profilebeijing max technology development limited is an independent software vendor and supplier. the company was established in 2004, located in zhongguancun science and technology park in beijing, china.we designs, develops, integrates, implements, and supports business and technology solutions. from the initial requirements analysis phase, maxtech will work with you to implement the solutions that will rapidly achieve your organization's business goals.we provide software development and it outsourcing solutions to customers worldwide. our outsourcing services cover a wide range of applications and industries. over the years, maxtech has built a strong technical team and experienced partner companies. in addition, maxtech is composed of senior managers and engineers who have years of experience in the software design and development for the software industry in china and the world.the management team members have served in leading technology companies for many years. the team has strong leadership and technical experience. our missions are to provide innovated technology, to offer high-quality, low-cost software development resources, and to deliver end-to-end solutions to customers. over the years, we have built a very strong and skilled software development team with talented software engineers focusing on java and .net. our developers have degrees in computer science, including 70% of undergraduates, 25% of master degrees and 5% of phds. their working experiences of software development range from 3 to over 10 years .the center delivers end-to-end software development solutions to customers, targeting vertical industries to serve customers’ application development needs.as a provider of application software products, high quality services to our customers are the best promise. we established the consulting department and after-sales service of the department, and our staff has extensive experience in the implementation of the software to ensure the success of the customer information management system meanwhile, we invite the renowned domestic and foreign management consulting firms, the industry's leading software developers to establish strategic alliance relations. we dedicated to provide users with pre-sale, sale and after-sale services to maximize the interests of the users.corporate philosophysincerelyuser firstinnovationrespect the staffmulti-wincorporate cultureprofessional, systematicindividual and team development synchronyinstitutionalized managementcore competencequick delivery softwarewe can offer stable and reliable services and products in the shortest possible time, which is the key to success for the customer. we have the software development team for the rapid delivery of the software to quickly implement users’ vision, innovative ideas, to help customers to gain a leading venture capital and market opportunities.competitive pricesmaxtech is a developing enterprise, with the best technical resources; mature management team to deliver the software .we ensured the quality and development cycle of the software to meet customer requirements. at the same time, we control the costs.professional development processsoftware development is a relatively complex system. it is not very clear for some users to define requirements of the software. misunderstanding the requirements definition means the failure of software projects. we know how to lead and dig out user’s requirements, then make them become a real demand for the software. we continue feedback and exchange with the user. the user can immediately see the current state and the process of the project development team through project management chart tools, which enables users to fully understand the whole development process.excellent software project management teamour project managers have years’ experience of successful implementation of large-scale projects in b/s structure of web information systems and c/s structure of minicomputer financial system.do what we specializedwe specialized in developing java-based language, c, c + +, c #, php. our software developer has a deep understanding for the choice of the technical direction. we specialized in the development of enterprise-level applications based on j2ee framework and soa enterprise information integration system, which are no doubt advanced technology.php is very mature web development scripting language, with the largest global web application development and excellent open source resources, and the support of the world's leading it companies ibm, oracle. it is a good choice for the user who want use a lower cost and rapid development of high-quality web sites.if some users need the technology what we do not specialize, we will refuse the projects and offer the user some recommendations.


  • 公司名称: 北京民安信科技发展有限公司
  • 法人代表: 周尚民
  • 注册资本: 1000万人民币
  • 经营状态: 存续
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 所属行业: 计算机软件
  • 成立时间: 2004年02月26日
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91110108759637429N
  • 注册地址: 北京市海淀区王庄路1号院4号楼18层1802号
  • 公司地址: 北京市海淀区王庄路1号院4号楼18层1802号
  • 经营范围:




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