







  ciie(美国剑桥国际教育集团the cambridge institute of international education)总部位于美国学术名城波士顿。在全球6个国家(美国、韩国首尔、日本东京、墨西哥墨西哥城、巴西巴西利亚、中国)13个城市(美国洛杉矶、美国旧金山、韩国首尔、日本东京、墨西哥墨西哥城、巴西巴西利亚、中国北京、上海、重庆、广州、深圳、郑州、成都)设有分公司。ciie的600名员工来自20多个国家,拥有50种语言背景和文化。每年全球有超过3000名学生进入ciie网络中的美国高中学习。因为突出的表现,2014年ciie入选美国权威杂志《inc.》并被评为美国教育行业增长最快公司第二,2015年再次入选。<br>the ciie (the cambridge institute of international education) headquarter is situated in boston, massachusetts. ciie has branch offices in 13 cities within 6 different countries, including los angeles and san francisco in the united states, seoul in south korea, tokyo in japan, mexico city in mexico, brasilia in brazil, and beijing, shanghai, chongqing, guangzhou, shenzhen, zhengzhou, and chengdu in china. each year, 3000 international students from all over the globe travel to america to pursue their studies at ciie partner schools. in 2014, ciie was honored by inc. magazine as the second fastest-growing company in the american education industry for its significant growth, and was re-elected again in 2015.<br>ciie是美国300多所优质私立高中和20多所马萨诸塞州公立高中的独家代表,我们协助这些学校招收符合录取条件的国际生。<br>ciie has exclusive partnerships with 300+ exemplary american private high schools and 20+ public high schools in massachusetts. ciie facilitates the student recruitment process at the schools by ensuring that qualified international students are matched with the schools best fitting their needs.<br>ciie有齐全的美国高中资料库并对资料库进行实时更新,我们帮助国际生选择最好最适合他们的学校。<br>ciie has a sophisticated database with the most up-to-date profiles of each network school. ciie guides international students in selecting the best and most suitable school for them.<br>ciie在美拥有400人的留学监管服务团队,我们为国际生提供到美以后的住宿服务、学术监管以及其它与学习生活相关的咨询和服务。住宿方面,我们的服务包括寄宿家庭招募、审核、匹配,住宿回访和文字报告,矛盾纠纷调解等;学术监管方面,我们的服务包括学习成绩监管、esl辅导和学术辅导等。<br>ciie has over 400 staff members in the united states who work tirelessly to provide post-arrival student services. these services include homestay services, academic support services, and other counseling services related to both academics and residential life. homestay services include host family recruitment, screening, matching, in-person check-ins, housing reports, and conflict medication. furthermore, ciie provides academic support services that feature academic supervision, esl classes, and tutoring support.<br>ciie为留美高中生提供丰富有意义的季度活动,深受国际留学生和家长的欢迎。<br>ciie facilitates specially planned quarterly events for international students that are appreciated by both students and their natural family.<br>ciie与波士顿教育服务中心合作,代理itep考试,这一考试更适初中和高中水平学生参加,目前全美已有超过600家院校接受itep考试成绩。<br>ciie partners with bes (boston educational services) to provide itep (international test of english proficiency) preparation. itep is an english proficiency test designed for international students of secondary and high school age. currently, there are over 600 american high schools that accept itep scores.<br>ciie拥有最大的美国高中院校联盟和最新的招生信息,我们帮助留学机构和其它合作伙伴了解各院校的特点和录取条件以便他们为留学生进行精确的选校定位、统一的申请流程监控和完善的入学指导,确保学生被心仪的院校录取。<br>ciie has the biggest american high school network and the most current insights on student recruitment. ciie assists study abroad agencies and institutions with trainings on partner schools and their admissions requirements. with the support of ciie, agencies help students search and select schools, monitor the unified application process, and deliver pre-arrival orientation to ensure students are admitted to their desired schools.<br>ciie是目前少数能做到留学监管定制服务的跨国公司,我们为留美国际生家庭提供至少每季度一次的留学生综合报告,和留学美国的高中生家庭紧密沟通,便于家长对于孩子的学习和生活及时了解。<br>ciie is one of very few multinational company that provides customized post-arrival student services. ciie provides the natural family with at least one general report each quarter and maintains a close relationship with the natural family to provide timely communication about academics and residential life of their student.<br>ciie同时也是美国麻州校长联合会独家合作伙伴、麻州政府认证教育单位。<br>ciie has an exclusive


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