





  美国威士伯集团(valspar corporation)是世界化工涂料巨头之一,为全球广大客户提供优质的民用及工业用涂料产品及半成品。产销量数十亿美元,为全球第五大涂料生产企业集团,也是美国重要的上市公司之一。<br>    自1806年成立以来,美国威士伯集团(valspar corporation)一直致力于把最新技术、优质的产品和最好的服务贡献给客户。<br>    威士伯集团(valspar corporation)在全球二十五个国家拥有九千五百多名员工;在中国上海、广东等也有数家战略投资或直接控股公司。 <br>    广东华润涂料有限公司,是威士伯集团在中国最主要的战略投资公司。华润涂料始建于1991年,是中国专业生产高档木器涂料、建筑装修装饰涂料等系列化工产品的集团化企业,产品产销一直居国内首列,木器涂料更是长期位居国内行业首位,是中国最大的民用木器涂料生产企业。公司年产涂料产品十几万吨,销售额数十亿元人民币。<br>    威士伯中国法律事务部,将负责威士伯在全国投资的公司特别是广东华润涂料有限公司的法律事务和公共关系事务。<br><br>corporate overview:<br>the valspar corporation is one of the largest coatings company in the world, providing civil and industrial coatings or coating intermediates to a wide variety of customers. the amount of the production and sale comes to several billion dollars, and the valspar corporation is the 5th largest coating company and one of the important listed companies in the usa.<br>since 1806, valspar corporation has been dedicated to bringing customers the latest innovations, the finest quality, and the best customer service. <br>the valspar corporation has more than 9,500 employees in over 25 countries, and several strategic invested or direct holding companies in shanghai and guangdong, china.<br>guangdong huarun paints chemical co., ltd, the uppermost strategic invested company of the valspar corporation, was initially established in1991, and is a collectivized enterprise specialized in the production of the series products such as high grade furniture coating, building decoration and fitment paints, etc.with the front rank in the amount of produce and sale in china, especially the top of wood coatings, huarun paints is the largest civil wood coatings enterprise in china. the yearly capacity comes to hundred thousand or so, and the sale comes to several billion rmb.<br>valspar china legal affairs office will take charge for the legal affairs and public relation affairs of the invested companies of valspar in china, especially for guangdong huarun paints co., ltd.


  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
频道介绍: 美国某大型上市化工企业中国法务部招聘频道,智通人才网为求职者提供2024年最新美国某大型上市化工企业中国法务部招聘信息,这里聚合了大量美国某大型上市化工企业中国法务部相关信息,求职者可一键投递、立刻直聊、即时反馈,与HR开聊,找美国某大型上市化工企业中国法务部相关工作就来智通人才网。
  • 翁小姐 · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制

广东顺德高新技术开发区科技产业园 广东华润涂料有限公司 总经办