

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制



  we are hologic<br><br>hologic, inc. (nasdaq: holx) is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of premium diagnostic products, medical imaging systems, and surgical products dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of women throughout the world.<br><br><br>at hologic, we are on a mission: to help women everywhere lead longer, healthier lives. it is our reason for being and the single focus of every breakthrough we pursue, every solution we design, every investment we make.<br>we are proud of our achievements and conscious of the responsibility that our leadership position brings with it. we believe that the health issues facing women today deserve and demand the singular dedication of a passionate company.<br>our core business units are focused on breast health, diagnostics, gyn surgical, and skeletal health.<br><br><br>我们是豪洛捷<br><br>豪洛捷公司(纳斯达克代码:holx)是一家领先同侪,集研发、制造和供应优质医疗影像系统、诊断和外科手术产品于一体的公司,以服务全球妇女医疗健康需求为己任。<br>豪洛捷公司致力于帮助全球各地妇女得以享受更健康、更长寿的生活。这就是豪洛捷存在之意义和唯一专注的焦点。我们追求的每次突破、设计的每个方案、和决定的每项投资都为迈向这目标。<br><br>我们为此自豪,同时也意识到作为行业领导者应有的道义。我们认为,当今妇女所面临的医疗健康问题值得并且需要一家充满激情和奉献精神的公司来服务。<br>我们的核心业务集中在乳腺健康、诊断产品、妇科和骨骼健康方面。<br><br>hologic tct medical co.,ltd<br>company tenet—dedicate to chinese women health undertaking<br>enterprising spirit—clinging and aggressive , honesty cooperate<br>business goal—make a contribution to chinese women heath undertaking with faith worthy products<br>beijing tct medical co,. ltd was founded in 1997 .it is the only appointed distributor in chinese mainland area of hologic (one of the top ten medical appliance company) and biogenex.as a company followed closely to chinese women health ,we always hope that we can make every effort for the development of chinese medical technical merit though import most advanced medical products and normalized disease diagnosis and treatment flow.<br>we established the management philosophy that academic and the technology .after several years operation ,we can see that ,this is the greatest affirmation to our work .according to the research .our saleroom has been increased to more than 1 billion for three consecutive years since 2005 .our sales activity has spread all over the country ,such as heilongjiang ,xinjiang ,inner mongolia and hainan ,and we have set up several branch offices in shanghai ,changsha ,guangzhou ,chongqing and fuzhou .based on our strong and solid strength ,good public praise in this industry and positive quality of our product.<br>we have not only the glorious yesterday but also vitality and hopeful tomorrow .at this moment ,we need efficiency people to grow up with us .let’s pursue being outstanding and creative future together!<br><br><br>hologic 英硕力<br><br>hologic在中国的全资子公司<br>企业宗旨—致力于中国妇女健康事业<br>企业精神—执着进取 诚信协作<br>企业目标—用值得信赖的产品为中国妇女健康事业做出贡献<br>北京英硕力新柏科技有限公司(beijing tct medical technology co.,ltd.)是一家专注于妇产科领域和病理科领域提供多方面服务和支持的专业化公司,与美国著名的hologic公司、biogenex公司等知名企业建立了广泛的业务关系。公司一直坚持引进世界最先进的医疗技术和产品。<br>2004年<br>与北京协和医院共同推出pcc项目,并被卫生部纳入“十年百项推广项目”<br>2006年<br>作为发起委员之一,参加了由中国癌症基金会推出的全国性大型普查类项目——“中国宫颈癌防治工程”<br>参与“为了姐妹的健康与幸福”大型公益活动,被授予“抗癌女神”奖杯。<br>参与“北京地区宫颈病变的流行病学调查及防治对策的研究”项目2007年<br>参加由全国妇联主办的“母亲健康快车——手拉手护平安防治子宫颈癌”大型公益活动,在短短三个月中完成8000多人次贫困妇女的免费筛查<br>2008年<br>被中国妇女发展基金会授予“中国妇女发展公益事业爱心集体”称号。<br>由于对妇女慈善事业的大力支持,在中国妇女发展基金会成立20周年主题晚会上,被授予了慈善楷模奖<br>请将您的简历e-mail至:hr@tctmedical.com<br>公司网址: www.tctmedical.com<br>公司将为正式员工提供五险一金及补充商业医疗保险福利<br>请不要重复投递简历<br>请不要以附件形式发送简历<br><br>


  • 公司名称: 北京英硕力金柏科技有限公司
  • 公司状态: 注销
  • 行业: 科技推广和应用服务业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外商投资企业法人独资)
  • 地址: 北京市朝阳区霄云路38号22层2204
  • 企业规模: -
  • 法人代表: 许立
  • 注册资本: 1001万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2010年03月09日
  • 注册号: 110108012675696
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91110105551372919H
  • 组织机构代码: 551372919
  • 登记机关: 北京市工商行政管理局朝阳分局
  • 注册地址: 北京市朝阳区霄云路38号22层2204
  • 营业期限: 2010-03-09至2040-03-08
  • 核准日期: 2019年08月15日
  • 经营范围:





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