

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制



  brief introduction<br><br>braloba was founded in 1985, is a swiss manufacturer of watchstraps and our success is due to our dedication to supreme quality and exclusive design.<br><br>watchstraps and watch bracelets have become fashionable accessories. for us, this has resulted in the necessity of creating a customer-oriented, flexible and qualitatively superior production. as the location of production is in switzerland, we can react rapidly to the individual characteristics and diversity of the various markets.<br><br>thanks to many years of experience and a committed workforce, we are able to improve our watchstraps constantly in order to fulfill the exacting requirements of our customers.<br><br>braloba has a workforce of over 500 employees and has established our subsidiaries in hongkong and china mainland. for extension of our activities in china (huizhou, guangdong), we are looking for professional people.<br><br>公司简介:<br><br>瑞士宝有限公司成立于1985年,是一家生产手表表带的瑞士企业。我们以上乘质量和独特设计使得公司在行业处于领先地位。<br><br>表带和表链已经成为一种时尚的配饰。我们秉承以客户为本,灵活和高质量生产概念。作为瑞士本土的表带生产商,我们能对单个和各种市场的多样性作出迅速的反应。由于多年的经验和勤恳的员工,我们能够不断的改善我们的产品来满足顾客的要求。<br><br>我们现拥有500多名员工,分别在香港和中国大陆设立子公司。为了扩展在中国的业务,我们于1994年在广东惠州建立在亚太地区的生产基地-惠城美联表带厂,我们期望有资深的、有潜质的或高技能的人员加入我们的行列之中。我们将为每一位员工提供住宿、有竞争力的福利待遇和广阔的发展空间!<br><br>有意者,请将您的简历发给我们,我们将尽快与合适的候选人电话联系,谢谢!

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