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  <br>瑞士通用公证行(sgs集团)创建于1878年,是全球检验、鉴定、测试和认证服务的领导者和创新者,是公认的质量和诚信的全球基准。目前,sgs集团在全球拥有1000多个分支机构和实验室,多名员工,构成了全球性的服务网络。 通标标准技术服务有限公司是1991年10月由隶属于原国家质量技术监督局的中国标准技术开发有限公司和瑞士通用公证行(sgs集团)合资,所建立的中国第一批合法从事检验、鉴定、测试和认证服务的合资企业。我们在全中国的33个分支机构和30个实验室组成的业务网及5000多名员工,使我们能提供全面的检验、鉴定、测试和认证服务。如: <br>质量体系和环保体系认证:iso 9000,iso ,qs 9000,vda,haccp,ohsas,以及ce标志 <br>消费品(电子电气产品、纺织品、玩具/轻工产品、食品等)的检验和实验 <br>为矿产界、石油界和农业界服务 <br>工业检验包括从设计阶段到供货商的资格和建造中的质量控制 <br>政府及公共机构服务部提供的有效、便利和成型的服务,协调了商业利益和行政组织利益的冲突 <br>sgsonsite 在互联网为买卖双方的网上交易建立互信 <br>sgs今天的骄人成绩依靠的是一个富有理想和激情、充满追求和进取精神的团队.我们竭诚为优秀人才创造和谐公平、可持续发展的竞争环境,从而使我们的团队为sgs这个百年卓越品牌实现一个又一个新的梦想,同时我们也相信您会在sgs找寻到你的职业生涯的成就感及应有的回报。 您的收获: <br>如果您能够有幸成为sgs-cstc正式员工,我们将会为您提供富有市场竞争力的薪资和福利待遇,并为其提供良好的职业发展计划,提供系统而又专业的培训,使之成为明日sgs-cstc事业发展的中坚力量。 如果您 <br>渴望得到广阔的发展空间; <br>渴望得到高水准的专业化培训; <br>渴望成为一名国际通用人才, <br>赶快加入我们的团队,在全国,甚至是全球发挥您的力量吧! 更多信息请浏览:http://www.sgs.com <br>http://www.cn.sgs.com 所有职位均应具备以下基本条件: <br>-良好的英语听说读写能力 <br>-能够熟练操作电脑 <br>-具有良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神<br><br>the sgs group is the global leader and innovator in inspection, verification, testing and certification services. founded in 1878, sgs is recognized as the global benchmark in quality and integrity. with over  employees, sgs operates a network of almost 1'000 offices and laboratories around the world. established in 1991, sgs-cstc standards technical services ltd. (sgs-cstc) is a joint venture between sgs and china standards technology development corporation (cstc). through our network of 33 offices and 30 laboratories across china, with over 5000 employees, we are able to offer an extensive inspection, verification, testing, and certification program. these include: the certification of your quality and environmental systems: iso 9000,iso , qs 9000, vda, haccp,ohsas , ce mark, etc. <br>inspection and testing of consumer products e.g. electronic goods, textile products, toys&hardgoods, food, etc. <br>services to the minerals, petrochemicals, agricultural, and marine sectors <br>industrial inspecting from design phase through to supplier qualification and quality control during construction <br>governments and institutions services deliver cost-effective, streamlined and customized solutions that bridge the gap between commercial and institutional interests. <br>sgsonsite ecommerce services bringing trust elements to businesses doing on-line transactions.<br>石化部<br>石化部提供原油、石油产品、石油化工品和石油气体的检验和实验室分析、样品管理、安全与技术服务。inspection and lab analysis for crude oil, petroleum products, petrochemicals and gases, plus sample management, technical and safety services.

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