





  深圳市嘉珑国际物流有限公司2007创始于深圳,拥有覆盖中国主要港口和布局全球的战略合作伙伴网络.经过数年的发展,起步于最初基本货运代理业务,嘉珑物流已成长为一家致力于为客户提供涵盖整个国际供应链与物流领域完整解决方案的全球性物流服务集成商.公司为fiata, wcapn,gpln,marco polo group等国际行业组织的成员.<br>我们聚焦于新兴市场+专业物流+复合销售的长远战略,遵循为客户、合作伙伴,员工,股东以及社会创造价值的信念,广揽业界英才,共同致力于成长为最受尊敬的全球性物流服务集成商.<br>公司核心优势为印度线海运集装箱与与全球件杂船/工程项目物流运输,并在以上细分市场形成自己独特竞争优势。<br>我们投入大量资源建设公司平台,努力打造强力团队,专注于获取有竞争力的运价体系,强力的操作团队,完善的全球代理网络,雄厚稳健的财务体系.<br>我们提倡建立简单宽松积极进取的良好工作氛围,秉持开放分享包容合作的企业文化,践行人性管理与自我管理相结合的理念.<br>我们坚持以人为本,崇尚团队合作,通过团队建设与提升达致人材的培养与发展.<br>我们致力于长远的发展,相较于短期的个人业绩,更看重员工长远的发展潜力.我们相信每个员工都有巨大的潜力与提升空间,并努力创造良好的环境与条件帮助他们不断的提升自我,释放潜力.<br>我们一直追求创造行业内最好的人均业绩,以达致为我们的员工提供行业内最具竞争力的优厚待遇,良好的工作环境,没有天花板的晋升空间.我们的待遇体系包括,但不限于,丰厚的薪资奖金提成体系,完整的社保福利体系,一周5天工作日,年度10天以上的带薪假期,季度公司旅行,月度员工活动经费,等等<br>热忱欢迎你加入我们,在这里实现自我价值,共同成就伟大的团队,伟大的事业.<br><br>garone logistics china ltd is an international freight forwarding and logistics company started since 2007 in shenzhen and operates an extensive network combined of own offices in major china ports and strategic partners and alliances across the world. with years of development, we have evolved from a freight forwarder with limited coverage to a global logistics integrator offering our customers customized and complete international supply chain and logistic solution packages. we are member of fiata, wca, marco polo group, with agent network across the major countries of the world.<br><br>following the long term strategy of “emerging market + specialized logistics + total sales”, and focusing on creating values for all concerned parties, we devote ourselves to be a great & most respected global logistics integrator<br><br>we built up powerful strength in traditional freight forwarding market of india. meanwhile, we have set up our specialties in the areas of heavy lift / project logistics。<br><br>we are an organization strongly believing in ourselves, our staffs and our products. we believe that our staffs have strong space to improve themselves in the organization and provide good conditions to help them to work out the best of their potentials. we cherish the contributions of each staff. we only work with the best staffs of the industry. garone logistics is an equal opportunity employer with great respects to the contributions of every staff of the company.<br><br>for the successful candidates, we will provide good promotion space, happy working conditions, and competitive compensation package. compensation package includes, but not limited to, best salary and commision package of the industry, full social welfare benefits, 5 working days per week, 10days+ yearly with-salary holidays, quarterly free travel program, and other various kinds of welfares. the compensation for all the staffs of the company will be the best in the industry.<br><br>for all the positions a good knowledge of written and spoken english is a must. all the position requires you to be a computer literate. garone logistics welcome you to join us to build a great team, a great organization and a great business.


  • 公司名称: 深圳市嘉珑国际物流有限公司
  • 法人代表: 赵龙军
  • 注册资本: 550万人民币
  • 经营状态: 存续
  • 企业类型: 有限责任公司
  • 所属行业: 交通/运输/物流/快递
  • 成立时间: 2011年12月29日
  • 统一社会信用代码: 914403005879254155
  • 注册地址: 深圳市福田区香蜜湖街道车公庙泰然工贸园205栋东座3层318房
  • 公司地址: 深圳市福田区香蜜湖街道车公庙泰然工贸园205栋东座3层318房
  • 经营范围:




  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
  • 热门职位
频道介绍: 嘉珑国际物流招聘频道,智通人才网为求职者提供2024年最新嘉珑国际物流招聘信息,这里聚合了大量嘉珑国际物流相关信息,求职者可一键投递、立刻直聊、即时反馈,与HR开聊,找嘉珑国际物流相关工作就来智通人才网。
  • 人力资源部 · 离线
  • 投递需要较长时间处理
  • 五险一金
  • 员工福利
  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制
