
pioneer electronics co., ltd

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  • hr@pioneeric.com

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  whenever, wherever, always pioneer !<br>全球精英团队,期待全球精英加盟!<br><br>  pioneer electronics co., ltd 凯新达电子有限公司在美国/加拿大/欧洲/印度/韩国/香港/深圳/上海/苏州/北京/天津/厦门/四川等地设有办事处。专注于为全球 500 强电子企业提供优质的半导体(ic/存储芯片/二三极管等)分销供应服务。我们的业务包括但不仅限于电子元件紧急器件搜寻,降低电子元件成本长期供应方案、缩短电子元件交货期,电子元件多余库存寄卖等一系列供应链解决方案。由于业务的高速发展,我们诚邀优秀的您(不限国籍)加入 pioneer 全球精英团队(办公地点海外或中国)!我们实行员工持股计划,多种鼓励员工买车/买房政策,提供在元件销售领域最富吸引力的业绩提成奖金比例。销售岗位优秀人员平均月收入可达4万以上,采购岗位优秀人员平均月收入可达3万以上。五天工作制,团队目标奖金,年底双薪,终身业绩分红,社保,法定节假日,带薪年假,免费午餐及免费健身、旅游等福利。公司秉承“优秀员工是公司未来合伙人”及“按绩取酬”的思想,致力于让优秀员工拥有同龄人中最优秀的工作生活品质。<br><br>  如您有良好的英文水平,丰富的全球电子公司贸易经验, 出色的商务口才又非常进取,希望通过良好的平台创造您的高品质生活,就 请选择 pioneer! (发中英文简历至 .如有半导体(ic/存储芯片/二三极管等)分销行业经验或海外留学背景或精通一种外国语言的可优先考虑。<br><br>请真正符合条件的优秀人才投递简历,请不要重复投递简历(只接受一个职位申请)。<br><br>员工感言:<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>  转眼间来到 pioneer 已经三年了,我喜欢在 pioneer 的工作氛围,与不同国籍的精英共事 , 非常年轻、激情、活泼和高素质的团队 , 全英文式的工作大大提高了我的英语水平 .pioneer 一直倡导的是 “ 开心、收入、事业 ” ,跟员工实行利润共享,共同发展。公司的丰富鼓励政策和在同行中最有竞争力的提成机制让我能给公司创造良好业绩的同时享受到远远优于同龄人的高品质生活。<br>  非常感谢公司提供的平台!也希望有更多的精英能够加盟 pioneer 与我们共同携手共进,相信我,在 pioneer ,绝对会让你的梦想成真! —— 销售部 david<br><br>pioneer electronics co.,ltd is specializing in ics, memory chips,transistors,diodes and passives (cap, resistors, inductors etc.) distribution . we have office in usa/canada/europe/india/ <br>korea/hk/shenzhen/shanghai/suzhou/beijing/tianjin/xiamen/sichuan . we are a leading independent distributor worldwide of semiconductors. we provide fast sourcing service to high-tech manufacturers, oems and cems all over the world to meet their urgent requirement and cost down requirement .we are now a preferred supply chain solution for flextronics, sci, solectron, celestica, benq, asus, astec, delta, etc. they have come to pioneer for sourcing critical components and we deliver quality services, sometimes within a week leadtime.<br><br>our strong brands : philips / st/ on semi / ir / xilinx / zalink / maxim / micrel / microchip / ad/ fairchild / intel / samsung<br>we mainly focus on below three main business :<br>1)shortage and urgent rfq for electronic components <br>2)ppv program(cost down for high value components and long term supply )<br>3)excess stock resell pioneer believes that people are our critical assets. we offer great opportunity for career development and attractive compensation packages including financial rewards and tangible benefits. and we maintain an easy working atmosphere to unleash creativity and achieve competitive advantage.<br><br>with company global expanding ,we invite great sales talents and purchasing talents to join our pioneer global team .welcome all qualified applicants including foreigner send your resume (both english and chinese) to hr@pioneeric.com<br><br>we offer stock option plan and good basic salary, most attractive commission policy in component distribution field , double pay in the end of year and profit sharing. we provide annual leave, 5 days working, legal holiday, social insurance. car bonus program .



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