

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制



  shevado international corp. qingdao office <br><br><br>shevado international corp. is based in atlanta, ga, usa and has its own manufacturer in guangdong, china. it is the worldwide leader in livestock handling industry and the products are appreciated in more than 20 countries. it continues to develop and make new products with great promises.<br><br>qingdao office was established in 2005 to sell other products in animal health industry. this is really to response to many requests from our current customers to ask us to source animal health products in china. most distributors even the dominating ones have difficulties in direct dealing with chinese manufacturers due to small volume per item and most chinese vendors are small and even have no one speak english. not mention one order could have 10 products from probably 6 chinese vendors. as you can see, it is our great opportunity to organize an animal health product catalog and present it to the international market. a few known industry major players are from usa, europe, new zealand and they all get most of their products from china. no one in china has done such thing yet. it is very difficult for any one to do or follow us without the prior experience and related background.    <br><br>qingdao office was designed to meet this challenge. it has done a good job to source products and has built a good platform. with our existing customers and potential industry distributors in just about every country, we have every reason to be one of the largest distributors in the industry.      <br><br><br>office address:<br>  <br><br>website: www.shevadointl.com<br><br>email:



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