
海克斯康聚合材料(青岛)有限公司 hexagon polymers compounding (qingdao) company

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  海克斯康聚合材料(hpc)是总部位于瑞典的hexapol ab集团成员之一,是橡胶混炼领域的跨国公司。2006年橡胶混炼能力为18万吨。hpc有八家工厂,分别位于比利时、德国、瑞典、捷克、美国、加拿大、中国和墨西哥,其中中国工厂于2007年3月15日已经正式投产。海克斯康聚合体的三大生产领域—混炼胶、塑胶轮子、热交换垫片均在青岛胶南设立独立运营的工厂,分别是:海克斯康聚合材料(青岛)有限公司、四达轮业(青岛)有限公司、海克斯康密封技术(青岛)有限公司。<br><br>  海克斯康聚合材料(青岛)有限公司是由hpc设立的独资企业,公司于2006年1月在青岛注册成立,工厂位于青岛胶南临港工业区。公司前期投资1500万美元,建设两条橡胶混炼生产线,主要设备从德国进口。第一条生产线的年产量是吨,第二条生产线完工后年产量将达到吨。公司的目标是做成亚洲最好和最大的技术橡胶混炼以及服务供应商。<br>  目前主要的混炼胶种为epdm,sbr,nbr,hnbr,acm,  aem, iir, cr,csm, cpe, eco 和nr/ir等。主要客户领域为汽车行业如密封条,胶带,胶管;建筑行业;电缆;及水处理系统等。<br>  我们真诚地邀请有志之士加入一个年轻和充满活力的团队。公司将为员工提供良好的培训和职业发展机会。<br>  hexagon polymers compounding (hpc) is an international group operating in the field of rubber compounding. with eight mixing facilities in europe, north america, and china, the company has been very successful in meeting customers' ever changing demand on quality, variety, and delivery. the total compounding capacity of the group is about  tons of compounds every year. hexagon polymers is active in three products areas, rubber compounds, plastic and rubber wheels, and gaskets for plate heat exchangers (phe). in china, we have hexagon polymers compounding (qingdao) company limited, stellana wheels (qingdao) company limited and hexagon polymers gaskets (qingdao) company limited.<br>  hexagon polymers compounding (qingdao) company is an hpc wholly owned subsidiary registered in january of 2006, in linggang industry zone of qingdao. two mixing lines were planned for the facility with combined capacity at  tons per year. the first line has been successfully installed and started full running in march, 2007. the goal of the company is to become the best provider of rubber compounds and related services in asia.<br>  with its high performance and very consistent quality, hpc's compound is widely used in the most demanding and challenging applications in different industries. the line we are running in qingdao is capable of mixing such polymers as epdm, sbr, nbr, hbnr. acm, aem, cr, cam, cpe, and etc. our mainly served industries include automotive, belt, hoses, construction, cable, and water proof.



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