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  gameloft  ,作为全球游戏产业的领导者,已经为众多玩家创作并发行了大量的视频游戏。本着简单,创新和始终以质量为中心的开发原则, gameloft为全球不同文化背景的玩家们设计出了各种类型丰富的游戏。从手机到ipod再到便携,电视游戏机,gameloft的游戏遍及全球任何角落,通过无线终端就能接触到gameloft并且迅速快捷的享受到gameloft提供的游戏、即时互动及其他休闲娱乐。我们积极开发出的各种游戏吸引着广大不同口味,兴趣和爱好的玩家。<br><br>gameloft 出品的游戏中,超过250款进入了销售和业界各大排行榜。其中有50款游戏,每款都售出了超过1百万份。自从公司1999年成立,时至今日,gameloft已经在80个国家销售了超过1亿5千万套游戏。其中包括 asphalt, midnight pool, block breaker deluxe 和 new york nights 这样极其优秀的gameloft原创佳品。除了这些从创意到制作完全出自gameloft自己之手的游戏,我们也有众多利用同行业的合作者或其他领域的知名品牌所打造的游戏, ubisoft entertainment, universal pictures, abc, dreamworks animations skg, endemol, 20th century fox, viacom, sony pictures, touchtone television, warner bros., kobe bryant, derek jeter, reggie bush, jonny wilkinson and patrick vieira. 这些知名企业和人士都是我们很好的合作伙伴<br><br>游戏的开发,发行以及销售,依靠着来自于gameloft内部的 4000 名员工。公司已经在世界各地建立了办事处,遍布 new york, san francisco, seattle, montreal, mexico, buenos aires, sao paulo, london, paris, barcelona, madrid, lisbon, milan, cologne, vienna, bucharest, warsaw, copenhagen, helsinki, casablanca, new delhi, seoul, kuala lumpur, hong kong, singapore, tokyo and sydney , 通过这些不同地域的员工我们还更准确的了解到了当地消费者的喜好,从而帮助gameloft完成更好的市场拓展。<br><br>作为一家快速成长并且未来充满希望的公司,通过访问欧洲第一大股票交易所euronext paris( isin : fr , bloomberg : gft fp , reuters : glft.pa ),您可以看到,gameloft在过去的 4年内收入已经增长超过10倍。<br><br>访问www. gameloft.com,你可以了解到更多。<br><br> <br><br> <br><br>gameloft is a global leader in developing and publishing mass market video games for casual audiences. accessible, innovative and always developed with quality in mind, gameloft’s games are designed for all types of players among multiple cultures across the globe.<br><br>from mobile phones to ipods to consoles, consumers can access gameloft titles on a wide range of wireless devices that deliver entertainment and mobility instantly or at their leisure. the company strives to develop universal games that appeal to a broad audience with diverse tastes, interests and hobbies.<br><br>consistently ranked in the top tier in sales and press scores, gameloft’s catalogue of titles covers 250 games, 50 of which have individually sold over 1 million copies. in total, gameloft has sold over 150 million games across 80 countries, since the company’s creation in 1999.<br><br>the game catalogue includes original concepts such as asphalt, midnight pool, block breaker deluxe and new york nights which are all conceived and developed by actual gamers.  other titles are inspired by partnerships with leading licensors and sports personalities such as ubisoft entertainment, universal pictures, abc, dreamworks animations skg, endemol, 20th century fox, viacom, sony pictures, touchtone television, warner bros., kobe bryant, derek jeter, reggie bush, jonny wilkinson and patrick vieira . <br><br>with a headcount of 4,000 employees, the games are developed, published and distributed in-house by gameloft. the company maintains offices worldwide and benefits from their familiarity of local consumer tastes. offices are located in new york, san francisco, seattle, montreal, mexico, buenos aires, sao paulo, london, paris, barcelona, madrid, lisbon, milan, cologne, vienna, bucharest, warsaw, copenhagen, helsinki, casablanca, new delhi, seoul, kuala lumpur, hong kong, singapore, tokyo and sydney.<br><br>gameloft is a fast-growing, profitable company, that is listed on euronext paris (isin: fr, bloomberg: gft fp, reuters: glft.pa ). gameloft’s revenues have been multiplied by ten in four years.<br><br>for more information please visit www. gameloft.com<br><br>公司网址:www.gameloft.com<br>


  • 公司名称: 智乐软件(成都)有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 软件和信息技术服务业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
  • 地址: 四川省成都高新区南延线高新孵化园8楼3层
  • 企业规模: -
  • 法人代表: Alexandre de Rochefort
  • 注册资本: 20万美元
  • 注册时间: 2006年03月31日
  • 注册号: 510100400021093
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91510100780104221E
  • 组织机构代码: 780104221
  • 登记机关: 成都高新区市场监督管理局
  • 注册地址: 四川省成都高新区南延线高新孵化园8楼3层
  • 营业期限: 2006-03-31至2036-03-30
  • 核准日期: 2018年11月12日
  • 经营范围:





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