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  必勤资讯——是国内一家在国际贸易领域以提供各国海关进出口数据分析及外贸软件为载体的综合型贸易情报服务商,除了向中国企业提供准确、及时、全面的贸易数据情报服务外同时提取数据中最具价值的活跃买家信息,利用杂志、期刊、展会、贸易平台等方式协助国内企业拓展品牌化的国际市场。<br>    必勤资讯成立于2008年,运营中心位于上海,技术支持及数据支持位于美国。通过运营全球较大的国际贸易情报数据库,为国际商贸领域及其周边产业提供不间断的资讯服务。致力于促成全球买家与供应商之间在多个领域的国际贸易,并帮助中国企业建立科学的商业决策支持系统,增强企业竞争力。『必勤』永远都致力于协助中国出口企业拓展品牌化的国际市场决策战略而努力奋斗。<br>    目前公司已与importgenius、zepol、infousa、eximon、hm revenue & customs (hmrc) 、ntdb(the national trade data bank)、russian national trade point (rntp)等国际知名专业情报数据分析提供商结为战略合作伙伴,联合向客户提供专业的行业情报数据分析及北美市场进口商资信背景服务,客户遍及化工、医药原料、制造业、纺织业等行业。凭借多年的贸易资讯服务经验和广泛的全球战略合作伙伴,必勤收集、整理了全球最为丰富的国际贸易情报数据库,包括“南美七国数据库”;“中国进出口数据库”;“印度&巴基斯坦贸易数据库”;“俄罗斯贸易数据库”;“北美进口贸易数据库”;“u.k贸易数据库”。<br>    作为中国“国际贸易资讯服务的推动者”,必勤已经成为中国外向型企业应用商业资讯的首选服务商之一。通过革命性的“资讯创造价值”服务理念,必勤为企业提供涉及“国际贸易情报”、“外贸软件”、“海运情报”“杂志、期刊、跨国采购专业服务”等三大领域、十几个专业服务项目。通过www.beliotteinfo.com为中国企业提供系统、全面的商业情报解决方案,帮助中国企业监控竞争环境、分析买家采购信息、掌握国际海运行情、制订科学、及时的企业商业决策。<br>beliotteinfo.com is the only domestic integrated trade information service provider in the field of international trade in order to provide foreign customs import and export data analysis and foreign trade software. in addition to provide chinese companies accurate, timely and comprehensive trade data and information service, at the same time extracting the most valuable information of active buyers, make use of magazines, periodicals, exhibition and trade platform and so on to help domestic enterprise to expand brand of the international market.<br><br>    beliotteinfo.com  is founded in 2008 and operations center is located in shanghai, technical and data support in united states. through the operation of the world’s largest international trade information database, provide uninterrupted information service to international trade industry and its surrounding area. committed to promotion of the buyers and suppliers in the fields of international trade, and help chinese enterprise to establish a scientific business decision support system, improve the competitiveness of enterprise. beliotteinfo .com is always dedicated to assist chinese export companies to expand brand and market decision strategy to international market.<br><br>    at present , beliotteinfo.com has been strategic partner with importgenius、zepol、infousa、eximon、hm revenue & customs(hmrc) 、ntdb(the national trade data bank)、russian national trade point (rntp) and other well-known international professional intelligence information data analysis provider to jointly provide customers with professional industries information data analysis and north america importer background information service. customers are in chemical, pharmaceutical raw material, manufacturing, textile and other industries. with years of experience of trade information service and extensive global strategic partners, beliotteinfo.com collects the world’s most information-rich database of international trade, including the “maritime trade database”, “china import and export database”, “business and finance database”, “russian trade database”, “north america import trade database”, “uk trade database”.


  • 公司名称: 上海必勤信息技术有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 专业技术服务业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 地址: 上海市奉贤区目华北路388号233室
  • 企业规模: 小于50人
  • 法人代表: 刘勇
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2008年07月17日
  • 注册号: 310226000884892
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91310120677828029R
  • 组织机构代码: 677828029
  • 登记机关: 奉贤区市场监管局
  • 注册地址: 上海市奉贤区目华北路388号233室
  • 营业期限: 2008-07-17至2028-07-16
  • 核准日期: 2018年04月09日
  • 经营范围:






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