

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制


  life matters <br><br>the lloyd's register group is an organisation that works to enhance safety and to approve assets and systems at sea, on land and in the air. we check that assets and systems work so that people and communities around the world can get on with everyday life. we are driven by a strong sense that what we are doing matters. <br><br>to make this happen, we set, uphold and apply high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation and performance across many sectors to the benefit of many businesses. <br><br>the lloyd's register group, founded in 1760 to examine merchant ships and 'classify' them according to their condition, today extends its expertise and activities far wider than the shipping field. in addition to its marine activities, we have operations covering management systems, land-based industries, railways, and oil and gas. <br><br><b>lloyd's register stands apart</b><br>independent, objective, experienced and uncompromising in our commitment to helping our clients. <br><br><b>independent</b><br>our independence is critical to our clients. to be independent, an organisation must ultimately be free to make its own decisions, despite the inevitable commercial and government pressures - we are and we do. <br><br>we have no institutional or private shareholders seeking profits. our ability to invest considerable resources in people and technology has assured our strength and allowed our close involvement in developments to assist our clients and, in turn, their customers, for nearly two and a half centuries. <br><br>people trust us to deliver impartial, technically correct judgement. <br><br><b>reputation</b><br>we have built our reputation and ability to change upon the professional excellence of our people. <br><br>our work is often unseen, but it is critical. we have always taken great pride in leading the drive for progress - upholding high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation and performance across many industries. <br><br>we contribute to the development of codes for bodies such as the international maritime organization (imo), we help to develop and review iso (international organisation for standardisation) standards, and we help develop legislation and rules around the world. we function as a 'notified body' for many european community directives, helping ensure essential product safety rules work properly. we initiate new standards for quality and safety as the boundaries of knowledge expand. <br><br><b>worldwide</b><br>the lloyd's register group is a global independent risk management and safety assurance organisation. members of the group provide services designed to help clients around the world to achieve their business goals, while optimising safety and quality, and protecting, even improving, the environment. <br><br>our expertise covers shipping, transportation (particularly rail), oil and gas, general industry and manufacturing, and management systems. we work together with our clients to deliver real value. <br><br>we can deliver bold new solutions in the harshest conditions, facing the toughest problems. and we combine our global reach with deep local knowledge - you'll find our teams at work all over the world.


  • 公司名称: 英国劳氏船级社(亚洲)上海代表处
  • 公司状态: 在业
  • 行业: 水上运输业
  • 公司类型: 外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构
  • 地址: 上海市延安东路550号海洋大厦3楼
  • 法人代表: 高伟杰
  • 注册时间: 1994年07月08日
  • 注册号: 310000500452073
  • 登记机关: 上海市工商局
  • 注册地址: 上海市延安东路550号海洋大厦3楼
  • 营业期限: 2008-08-11至2009-08-11
  • 核准日期: 1994年07月08日
  • 经营范围:





上海市延安东路550号海洋大厦3楼  查看大图

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