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  世联北京 翻译公司,世联翻译,北京世联翻译公司,上海世联翻译公司,北京世联翻译,世联翻译公司,<br><br>unitrans世联翻译是享誉全球的专业语言服务供应商之一,世联中国本着“上善若水、厚德载物”的本土文化,长期致力于在经济全球化、市场一体化瞬息万变的商业环境下为全球客户提供高品质的英语、俄语、韩语、日语、德语、法语和众多小语种的高端笔译、陪同翻译、同声传译、交替传译等语言外包服务。公司下设总裁办公室、人力资源中心、市场营销中心、翻译作业中心、财务结算中心、海外部、法律部,目前已汇聚了在各行业领域有多年专业翻译经验的大学教授、博士硕士、海归人员、外籍译审等5000多人签约翻译精英。<br><br>“员工是企业的上帝”是世联翻译创造和崇尚的企业经营哲学,21世纪企业间的竞争更多的体现在人才间的竞争,翻译公司的竞争更是翻译人才和翻译品质的竞争。为此,世联翻译努力把人力资源战略管理意识有效转变为人力资源战略管理能力,导入人才测评系统、联手gcdf全球职业规划师、职业顾问及人力资源专家成立“千里马工作室”,在全球范围内寻找、甄选、培训和留住最优秀的国际化翻译人才。<br><br>世联人坚信态度决定命运、气度决定格局、底蕴的厚度决定事业的高度。为打造翻译行业旗舰、强化翻译品质和全球品牌形象,占领全球语言外包服务主要市场份额,公司官方网站开通12种语言,联合清华大学研发了ts-mis翻译服务管理系统进行日常办公,通过gb/t-2008 idt iso质量管理体系认证,在语言翻译服务业内率先建立起一套行之有效的全面质量管理体系,并通过相互持股、战略合作、海外投资等方式积极与纽约、伦敦、首尔、东京、莫斯科、柏林、巴黎等本土优秀翻译公司建立战略合作关系。经过多年的不懈努力,世联品牌和服务品质已得到世界500强企业、几十国驻华大使馆、大中型企业等众多客户的高度认可。<br><br>世联北京 翻译公司,世联翻译,北京世联翻译公司,上海世联翻译公司,北京世联翻译,世联翻译公司,<br><br>世联翻译(中国 北京):    e-mail:info#unitrans.cn(#替换成@)<br>http://www.unitrans.cc  (官网)  http://www.unitrans.cn   http://www.shilianfanyi.cn  http://www.tongshengchuanyi.org.cn  http://www.biaoshufanyi.org.cn  http://www.shanghaifanyigongsi.com  http://www.unitrans.net.cn(法务部)<br><br>unitrans is one of the world renowned professional language service providers, our company focuses on the motto of “honesty with sincerity, knowledge with morality”, we dedicate to provide high end translation, accompany interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation and other translation services in english, russian, korean, japanese, german, french and many other rare foreign languages to global clients under the economic globalization, market integration and the ever changing commercial environment.? we currently have over 5,000 contracted translating talents of university professors, ph.d.s and masters, oversea returned scholars and foreign revisers and others with many years of translating experiences in all industry fields.<br><br><br>“employees are the god of an enterprise” is the enterprise management philosophy created and worshiped by unitrans translation, more of the competition between enterprises in the 21st century is the competition between talents, and the competition between translation companies is even more of the competition between translation talents and quality.? therefore, unitrans is putting great efforts to transfer hr strategic management awareness into hr strategic management ability, which introduces the talent evaluation system, cooperates with gcdf global career planers and hr experts, to search for, select, manage and keep the most outstanding internationalized translation talents.<br><br><br>unitrans firmly believes that attitude determines fate, tolerance determines setup, and richness in details determines height of career.? our company is dedicated to create flagship in translation industry, strengthen translating quality and global brand name image, occupy the majority market domestically and internationally with authoritive 《iso translation quality system》, and 《national translation quality standard of china》 as the translation quality standard of our company.? we have introduced the most advanced bosch simultaneous translation system, crm management information system, merged with beijing jinrui translation co., and actively established strategic cooperative relationships with outstanding local translation companies in london, seoul, tokyo, masco, berlin, paris and etc. through stockholding, strategic cooperation, foreign investment and other channels.? with many years of hard work, the unitrans brand and service quality have been highly recognized by  fortune 500 enterprises, tens of embassies in china and other clients.<br><br><br>address: room 2501, 25/f, tianchuang shiyuan building b2, olympic village, chaoyang district, beijing, prc(#替换成@)<br>http://www.unitrans.cc   http://www.unitrans.cn


  • 公司名称: 世联博众翻译(北京)有限公司
  • 公司状态: 注销
  • 行业: 商务服务业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 地址: 北京市朝阳区慧忠北里312号楼25层2501
  • 企业规模: 小于50人
  • 法人代表: 章黛琼
  • 注册资本: 3500万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2010年02月04日
  • 注册号: 110105012622590
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91110105551430955E
  • 组织机构代码: 551430955
  • 登记机关: 北京市工商行政管理局朝阳分局
  • 注册地址: 北京市朝阳区慧忠北里312号楼25层2501
  • 营业期限: 2010-02-04至2030-02-03
  • 核准日期: 2019年11月07日
  • 经营范围:





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