
adeo group

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制

福利信息由公司提供,不同的职位福利待遇会略有差别,详细职位福利待遇请与adeo group招聘方联系


  adeo group (leroy merlin,bricocenter,bricoman,weldom,aki,dompro) originally set up in 1923,is an international leading diy distributor,ranking as number 4 in the world and number 2 in europe. with the headquarter located in france,we have more than 900 stores(france,italy,spain,portugal,greece,poland,russia,brazil & china),and  professionals are working in our company around the world.the turnover of the group was over usd 10 billion in 2006.due to the rapid expansion,we are now looking for the qualified candidate to reinforce the team and share our values. <br><br>we offer excellent career prospect & competitive remuneration package.please submit your resume with photo,both in english & chinese mentioning the position reference and working place that you are applying for(bu,me or as),to the attention of adeo services.



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