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  关于空中客车公司<br>空中客车公司是业界领先的飞机制造商。公司以客户为中心的理念、商业知识、技术领先地位和制造效率使其跻身行业前沿。2007年,空中客车公司的营业额超过了250亿欧元,目前已牢固地掌握了全球约一半的民用飞机订单。<br>空中客车公司总部设在法国图鲁滋,由欧洲宇航防务集团拥有。空中客车公司是一家真正的全球性企业,全球员工约人,在美国、中国、日本和中东设有全资子公司,在汉堡、法兰克福、华盛顿、北京和新加坡设有零备件中心,在图鲁滋、迈阿密、汉堡和北京设有培训中心,在全球各地还设有150多个驻场服务办事处。空中客车公司还与全球各大公司建立了行业协作和合作关系,在30个国家拥有约1500名供货商网络。<br>空中客车公司的现代化综合生产线由五个非常成功的系列机型(由座)组成:单通道的a320系列(a318/a319/a320/a321)、宽体a300/a310系列、远程型宽体a330/a340系列、新一代的a350xwb宽体系列,以及超远程的全双层a380系列。空中客车公司已经售出了8900多架飞机,拥有将近300家客户/运营商,自从1974年首次投入运营以来,已经交付了5200多架飞机。<br>空中客车中国<br>中国于1985年引进第一架空中客车飞机。1994年,空中客车中国有限公司成立,并在北京设立了办事处。20年多来,空中客车公司向中国客户提供了先进的空中客车系列产品,迄今为止,在中国大陆现役空中客车飞机的数量已经超过400架。与此同时,空中客车公司提出了与中国建立全面合作伙伴关系的长期发展目标,积极开展与中国航空制造业的工业合作和技术转让。<br>2005年7月,空客(北京)工程技术中心在北京正式启用。空中客车公司还建立了全面而集中的售后服务机制,在中国20个城市派驻了客户服务和技术支持服务站,并于万美元在北京建立了一家先进的培训和支援中心。2007年6月28日,空中客车与中方联合体正式签署了空中客车a320系列天津总装线合资企业合同。根据合同,空中客车持有合资企业51%的股份,中方联合体持有49%的股份。在中方联合体持有的49%的股份中,天津保税区占60%的比例,中国一航和中航二集团分别占20%的比例。<br> <br>airbus'establishment as a consortium in december 1970-the first step towards integration of europe's civil aviation industry-was implemented to provide the global market place with a single interface for the purchase of airbus aircraft.since then,airbus has steadily gained market share,and is now one of only two manufacturers in the market for commercial airliners seating more than 100 passengers. with an annual turnover of slightly over euro 20 billion in 2004,and the most modern and comprehensive airliner family in the world,airbus now consistently captures about half of all commercial airliner orders-a position it is committed to be maintained in the future as a fully integrated company.<br>headquartered in toulouse,france,airbus is owned by the leading european aerospace companiy:the european aeronautic defence and space company (eads)-born of the merger between three of airbus'former "partner" companies in the consortium,aerospatiale-matra of france,daimler chrysler aerospace of germany and casa of spain.in addition to marketing,customer support,management and co-ordination of industrial and engineering, airbus has also become fully and directly responsible for all design, engineering,manufacturing and production functions. it is a truly global enterprise of some  employees,with fully-owned subsidiaries in the united states, china,japan and the middle east,spare parts centres in hamburg, frankfurt,washington,beijing,and singapore,training centres in toulouse, miami,hamburg and beijing and 130 field service offices around the world.airbus also relies on industrial co-operation and partnerships with major companies all over the word,and a network of some 1,500 suppliers in 30 countries.<br>airbus's partnership with the people's republic of china dates back to 1985,when caac regional office in shanghai, now china eastern airlines, became the first carrier in the country to introduce the european consortium's aircraft. contracts for chinese companies to build sections of airbus aircraft followed,as did further orders from chinese airline.<br>in 1994,airbus china company limited was officially established and airbus china beijing representative office started operation,which currently has a staff of about 130 chinese local and expatriates in china.customer service offices providing on-the-spot airline support include beijing,chengdu,guangzhou,hangzhou,jinan,lanzhou,nanchang,nanjing,qingdao,shanghai,ningbo,shenzhen,shenyang,dalian and xi'an,also hong kong.today,a us$80 million training and support centre,which is the most modern and first dedicated in china, is fully operational in beijing near the beijing capital airport.airbus (beijing) engineering centre was formally inaugurated in july 2005 in beijing.the facility will in particular perform specific design work for the a350 family aircraft. please visit our web sites to find further and detailed information at:<br>http://www.airbus.com and http://www.airbus.com.cn.<br>now,we are inviting highly committed candidates to join our customer support and services team.


  • 公司名称: 空中客车中国有限公司北京代表处
  • 公司状态: 注销
  • 行业: 商务服务业
  • 公司类型: 外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构
  • 地址: 北京市顺义区天竺空港工业区天纬二街天柱东路5号华欧培训中心写字楼
  • 法人代表: 菲力浦·林
  • 注册时间: 1996年04月08日
  • 注册号: 110000400060003
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91110000X00015974A
  • 组织机构代码: X00015974
  • 登记机关: 北京市局
  • 注册地址: 北京市顺义区天竺空港工业区天纬二街天柱东路5号华欧培训中心写字楼
  • 营业期限: 1996-04-08至无固定期限
  • 核准日期: 2017年07月05日
  • 经营范围:






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