

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制



  企业简介<br>    河南哲纳思商务咨询有限公司,成立于2007年3月,致力于成为一家专业的咨询服务公司。<br>    一直以来,哲纳思为各类客户提供了全方位顾问咨询服务,尤其是房地产行业项目,从项目定位到楼盘销售,到商业招商,哲纳思都努力为企业寻找最佳解决方案。<br>    2005年8月至2009年6月哲纳思成功策划与包装管理郑州七里河城中村改造项目,使七里河村以“美景鸿城”的全新面貌矗立于郑州的东大门。哲纳思承载改善城中村居民生活,优化城市资源和提升城市整体形象的使命,全力以赴地为城中村转制和改造出谋划策。<br>    伴随着哲纳思在郑州及房地产行业的发展,哲纳思谋定而后动,立足中原、面向全国发展三个系统相连的事业模块:一、城中村改造项目的策划与包装管理;二、商业地产前期策划、招商及项目管理;三、亚洲特色国际最佳管理经验的引进(sdc组织开发和人力资源管理咨询代理业务)及本土化辅导。三个模块的共同目标,就是以本土的方式研究企业管理的问题,以中医式的思维反思企业管理的现实,在开拓国际视野的基础上,寻求本土之药,为谋求发展的企业提供客制化的有效解决方案。<br>    凭借优质的工作、良好的信誉和周到的服务,哲纳思不仅在客户中形成了良好的口碑,更形成了自身独特的企业文化核心竞争力。为了更好的满足企业发展的需要,现面向社会招聘各类人才,请带着您的理想,带着您的信心,加盟哲纳思咨询,让我们共同焕发精彩生活!<br>    一经录用,本公司将签订正式用工合同,缴纳各类社会保险,并定期组织各类学习培训活动,竭力为员工打造一个优良的发展平台,使每一个员工都能在哲纳思工作中得到提升。请各位求职者仔细阅读各个职位要求,并按自身实际情况认真投递简历,审查合格后,本公司会尽快通知面试时间,请保持通讯畅通,注意查收邮件,按时参加面试,为自己赢得一个创造更理想生活的机会。<br>    哲纳思的愿景:<br>成为中国经验管理能力一流的商业地产公司<br>    哲纳思的使命:<br>输出独特知识,创造显著价值;<br>集中有效资源,贡献经济成果。<br>激发企业潜能,抵达事业巅峰!<br>    哲纳思的目标:<br>为客户提供更优质的服务。(企业)<br>    哲纳思价值观:精 诚 静 衡<br>精:群策群力,克难求进;精益求精,提升价值。<br>诚:高行为准则体现高标准诚信。<br>静:安心做小事,凡事静心做。<br>衡:合适为最佳选择,平衡为最高境界。<br><br><br>    henan zenith investment consulting company was established in march 2007, which is committed to being a professional consulting service company.<br>        all along, zenith has been providing a full range of consulting services for all types of customers. being specialized in real estate project, including real estate orientation, sales and business investment, zenith is making every effort to find the best solutions for enterprises.<br>       from august 2005 to june 2009, zenith projected and managed the reconstruction project of zhengzhou qi li he village and made her reappear in the east gate of zhengzhou as the famous estate project of “mei jing hong cheng". zenith bears mission of developing the downtown villagers’ living quality, optimizing urban resources and improving the overall image of the city. zenith goes all out to make plans for restructuring and transformation of downtown village.<br>        with his development in real estate industry, zenith makes prudent planning before action. rooted in the central plains, it develops three systematically connected modules across the country: a, planning and management of the downtown village’s reconstruction project; 2, commercial real estate pre-planning, investment and project management; 3, introduction of best international management experience specially designed for companies operating in asia (agency of sdc integrated od and hrd consulting solutions) and the localization of counseling. the common goal of three modules is to study the corporate governance issues in native mode; to reflect on the reality of organizational management in traditional chinese medical way; to provide customized and effective solutions for enterprises seeking development by opening up international insight!<br>         with our excellent work, good reputation and considerate service, zenith not only got a good reputation among customers, but also formed its core culture competitive power. in order to meet the needs of enterprise development, zenith is now recruiting talented people from society. please join zenith with your ambition and your confidence, let us radiate our wonderful lives together!


  • 公司名称: 河南哲纳思商务咨询有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 商务服务业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 地址: 郑州市管城区航海东路2号56号楼4层19号
  • 企业规模: 小于50人
  • 法人代表: 李凌燕
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2007年03月14日
  • 注册号: 410104000025113
  • 统一社会信用代码: 9141010479916681X0
  • 组织机构代码: 79916681X
  • 登记机关: 郑州市管城区市场监督管理局
  • 注册地址: 郑州市管城区航海东路2号56号楼4层19号
  • 营业期限: 2007-03-14至无固定期限
  • 核准日期: 2016年06月03日
  • 经营范围:





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