





  北京赛恩斯特水技术有限公司是西门子集团控股的公司,由西门子集团与北京赛恩斯特科技有限公司共同创立,注册资金为1000万美元。北京赛恩斯特水技术有限公司在继承了原北京赛恩斯特科技有限公司的专业人员、水处理技术和项目工程业绩的基础上,注入了西门子集团在水处理方面的更加广泛的先进技术和管理经验,使得新公司真正成为了一个水处理解决方案的全面供应商,其业务涵盖了市政给水和污水处理及回用,工业给水和废水处理及回用,海水淡化,污泥处理及处置等各个领域。<br>北京赛恩斯特水技术有限公司汇集了一批有着丰富工程实践经验的专业技术人员,可以根据用户的不同需要,提供最佳的解决方案并承担项目的设计,监装,调试和售后等一系列服务。<br>北京赛恩斯特水技术有限公司在工业给水和废水回用以及海水淡化领域已经完成了大连石化、中铝山西分公司、北京燕山石化、邯郸钢铁集团和华能浙江玉环电厂等一批在中国具有典型代表意义的项目。在市政领域,西门子集团和北京赛恩斯特水技术有限公司正在建设两个具有全球影响的北京奥林匹克绿色环保项目—北京清河污水处理厂吨/天膜法污水回用处理项目和北小河污水处理厂吨/天的mbr污水深度处理回用项目。<br>公司正处于高速发展时期,热忱欢迎有志、有识之士加盟,共同开创事业。公司为员工提供富有竞争力的薪酬和福利,为每一位员工创造展现个人价值的舞台。<br><br>as a siemens holding company, beijing cnc water technology ltd. is established jointly by siemens and beijing cnc technology ltd. in succession of former beijing cnc technology ltd’s professionals, water treatment technologies and projects achievements,and on the basis of siemens’ advanced technologies and management experience in water treatment, cnc has already become a truly comprehensive treatment solutions suppliers whose operations cover from industrial and municipal water supply, industrial and municipal water recycle and reuse, sewage treatment and reuse, seawater desalination to sludge treatment etc.<br>beijing cnc water technology ltd. boasts a group of experts and technicians with rich practical experiences of engineering in water treatment field. they are with years of water treatment application experiences, and able to provide the best solution and assume the project design, equipment set up monitor, debug and a series of post-market services according to different clients’ demands. <br>currently, beijing cnc water technology ltd. has completed a number of projects with typical significance in the fields of industrial water supply, sewage treatment and seawater desalination with dalian petrochemicals & chemicals corporation, shanxi branch china alummnium co ltd, sinopec beijing yanshan chemical corporation handan iron and steel co.,and zhejiang yuhuan huaneng power plant etc.  in municipal areas, siemens and the beijing cnc is building two influential beijing olympic projects - tons / day qinghe sewage water recycle and reuse with membrane water treatment, and the northern brook  tons / day mbr sewage treatment.<br>the company is experiencing a high growth stage, and will welcome all with desires to succeed to join our team. the company will provide competitive salary and benefits, and a platform to realize each and everyone’s value.


  • 推荐公司
  • 热门企业
  • 城市招聘
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