
上海欧亚电气技术咨询服务有限公司 (BV LCIE China)

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  u0026lt;bru0026gt;法国国际检验局 (bureau veritas) (简称bv)是一家具有国际领导地位的检验、认证、咨询及工程质量控制机构。在质量、健康、安全、环境(qhse)以及社会道德责任(sa)方面为客户提供业界领先的认证、检测、评估、培训及咨询服务。u0026lt;bru0026gt;公司成立于1828年,总部设在法国,其服务网络遍布全球140个国家和地区的600多个办事处及实验室,工作人员超过人,为全球超过家客户提供专业而优质的服务。作为bv的独资子公司之一, 上海欧亚电气技术咨询服务有限公司 (bv lcie china)主要为国内外客户提供民用电器产品测试及验货的专业咨询服务。伴随公司业务的快速发展,我司期待优秀的您的bureau veritas, founded in 1828, headquartered in paris, is an international group with a core business of conformity assessment,applied in the areas of quality, health, safety, environment and social responsibility. the mission of bureau veritas consists in inspecting,verifying or certifying assets as well as projects, products and systems. bureau veritas is present in many markets such as marine,construction, industry, energy, consumer goods, transport and services by serving over  worldwide with business presence in 140 countries. in 2006, bureau veritas reached a total revenue of euro1.85 billion. in china, bureau veritas has over 4000 employees and serves more than 3000 clients from 30 offices and laboratories. (for more information, please visit: www.bureauveritas.com ; www.bureauveritas.cn ) bv lcie china is a wholly-owned subsidiary of bureau veritas. it provides professional services to companies working with application of electricity and electronics. its clients include manufacturers of consumer products, distributor and importers. bv lcie china is specialized in safety and emc testing of consumer electrical products.to copy with our strong business growth in china, we are looking for motivated high caliber talents to join our bureau veritas china family.

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