
prada集团 prada group

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制

福利信息由公司提供,不同的职位福利待遇会略有差别,详细职位福利待遇请与prada集团 prada group招聘方联系


  prada集团是意大利最大的奢侈品公司之一,目前的业务已遍布全球65个国家和地区,目前共有6000多名员工,248家旗舰店和43家特许经营店。现因本公司中国大陆地区业务拓展需要,诚聘所述职位。<br><br>prada group, one of the leading companies in the luxury goods sector, currently has more than 6,000 employees worldwide, and does business in 65 countries around the world.  in order to cope with our expansion in china, we cordially invite qualified applicants to apply for positions<br><br>我们将提供具有吸引力及竞争力的薪资福利,并提供良好的个人发展空间。<br><br>we offer attractive remuneration in commensurate with qualifications and experience.<br><br>有意者请于2007年8月23-24日9:00-17:00携带个人简历、身份证复印件、大一寸相片一张至北京市建国门外大街1号,国贸饭店商务中心1号会议室参加prada 北京专场招聘。我们期待您的光临。<br><br>如果您当天未能到现场,请将您的简历与期望薪资发送至所述邮箱,我们将尽快与您联系。<br><br>if you are not available during the recruitment day, please email detailed curriculum vitae together with salary expectation to us.

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