职位类别: 品质工程师
Job summary: Responsible on designing and developing protocols to be fulfilled so that the products under manufactured meet policies, procedures, regulatory requirements. Sr. Validation Engineer Implements policies and procedures to validate/qualify equipment, systems, and processes in accordance with regulatory requirements of company, industry, countries’ legislation manufacturing standards. Responsibilities: 1. Validation Evaluation for new or modified process/equipment system/facility a) Process characterization study; b) Identify key process variables that would affect product quality c) Identify equipment critical part/feature that would affect process parameter and product quality d) Hazard Analysis/risk assessment and other process study e) Develop VMP for whole processes of production by product with necessary justifications based on above assessment/study 2. Design and develop validation protocol a) Design validation study features, such as sampling, testing, or analytical methodologies. b) Direct validation activities, such as protocol creation or testing. c) Prepare validation protocols for new or modified manufacturing processes, systems, or equipment for medical, electronics, or other types of production. d) Study product characteristics or customer requirements to determine validation objectives and standards. 3. Conduct validation or qualification tests based on internal protocols and/or external standards. a) Assist in training operators or other staff on validation protocols. b) Analyze validation test data to determine whether systems or processes have met validation criteria or to identify root causes of production problems. c) Coordinate the implementation or scheduling of validation testing with affected departments and personnel. d) Identify deviations from established product or process standards and provide recommendations for resolving deviations. e) Manage deviations and changes in order to guarantee that these are well documented and corrective actions are taken and followed-up upon. f) Draw samples of raw materials, or intermediate and finished products for validation testing. g) Conduct audits of validation or performance qualification processes to ensure compliance with internal or regulatory requirements. h) Procure or devise automated validation test stations or other test fixtures and equipment. i) Align facility validation strategies and policies with actual outcomes 4. Continuous competence development in Validation and maintenance of validation documentation and database a) Communicate with regulatory agencies regarding compliance documentation or validation results. b) Participate in internal or external training programs to maintain knowledge of validation principles, industry trends, or technologies. c) Prepare, maintain, or review validation and compliance documentation. d) Create, populate, or maintain databases for tracking validation activities, test results, or validated systems. 5. Deal with other assignments assigned by superior. Qualification: 1. Bachelor or above, major in electronics, electromechanical or equivalent. 2. Above 6 years relative work experience, QA experience is a plus. 3. Good command of reading & written English. 4. proactive, responsible, independent.查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 英语

公司简介 30多年来,Quasar 始终精耕细作,致力于为客户提供全面的全承包解决方案,从最初过程设计到大批量生产,为客户提供一系列不同的制造能力、专业支持以及项目优化服务。这种综合性工艺过程开发方法,是客户实现高品质的保证,同时还能节约成本。Quasar拥有全部国际相关证书,包括 ISO 13485:2016、cGMP 认证等,并严格遵守 IP 防护标准的规定。 Quasar的业务遍布全球,总部设在新加坡和香港,工程办公室设在以色列,在中国有三个制造工厂(分别位于深圳和东莞),在泰国有一个新建的制造工厂,在美国有一个业务发展部门。Quasar 拥有超过3000名员工,是微创医疗器械制造行业的市场领导者。我们的客户包括强生公司、美敦力以及雅培等大型跨国企业。查看更多
- 公司名称: 秋时电子科技(东莞)有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
- 地址: 东莞松山湖高新技术产业开发区台湾高科技园桃园路1号莞台生物技术合作育成中心8号楼
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 阿耀·阿米泰
- 注册资本: 200万美元
- 注册时间: 2017年03月02日
- 注册号: 441900400225064
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900MA4W8XLG1J
- 组织机构代码: MA4W8XLG1
- 登记机关: 东莞市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞松山湖高新技术产业开发区台湾高科技园桃园路1号莞台生物技术合作育成中心8号楼
- 营业期限: 2017-03-02至2047-03-02
- 核准日期: 2017年06月23日
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