职位类别: 环境/健康/安全经理/主管
Job Description 主要工作内容 1.Establishment and maintenance the EHS management system, rules and regulations, to assure operation process compliance with these requirement and relevant laws. 建立和维护EHS管理体系、规章制度,确保生产过程符合相关要求和法律规定。2.Organize annual risk assessment/job safety analysis (JSA), Scheduling and performing daily, weekly and routine EHS & Facility audits, development and follow up the action plans for EHS improvement, minimize the waste and utilities consumption reduction. 组织年度风险评估/工作安全分析(JSA),安排和执行每日,每周和常规的EHS审核和设施点检,制定和跟踪EHS改进的行动计划,***限度地减少浪费和公用消耗。 3.Identify EHS related hazards and control the risk, organize and implement EHS related training to employees on EHS awareness and behavior improvement, to build the EHS culture. 识别EHS相关危害并控制风险,组织实施员工EHS相关培训,提高员工的EHS意识和行为,建立企业EHS文化。 4.Monitor and control plant incident rate and lead the improve action to reduce injury. Lead the incident investigating, analyzing, handling, improving and reporting, follow up the incident corrective and preventive actions. 监测和控制工厂事故率,领导改进措施以减少伤害,领导事故的调查、分析、处理、改进和报告,跟进事故的纠正和预防措施。 5.Study the latest EHS standards and regulations to provide guidance and advice to management team. 学习最新的EHS标准和法规,为管理团队提供指导和建议。 6.Maintain emergency respond procedures, *** aid facilities, safety signs, relevant PPE, emergency drill, etc. and response for any emergency happened. 维护应急响应程序、急救设施、安全标志、相关PPE和应急演练等, 并对发生的任何紧急情况作出应急响应。 7.Coordinate the company ESG related things like carbon footprint tracing, power consumption monitoring, and other “next level” kind of EHS responsibilities. 协调公司与ESG相关的事务,如追踪碳足迹、监测电力消耗和其他更高级的EHS责任。 8.EHS & Facility budget management and equipment purchasing, installation repairing and maintenance to meet EHS standards (Firefighting device, electrical power, water supply and Air compressor device) 负责EHS &设施预算管理及设备采购、安装、维修和维护等,以满足EHS标准和安全要求(如:消防设备、电力、供水、空压机设备) 9.Directs and prioritizes daily workload of facilities staffs or external contractors for safety work and supervise them to follow law and standard, including but not limited to new production line setup, structural repairs, maintenance inspections, minor construction, electrical and assigned projects, etc. 指导和优先安排工厂员工或外部承包商的日常安全工作,并监督他们遵守法律和标准,包括但不限于新生产线的安装,结构维修,维护检查,小建,电气和指定项目等。 10.Facilities & EHS Department staff management, performance review, and professional development. Other tasks that may be assigned. 设施与环境安全部门员工管理、绩效考核和专业发展。 Talent qualifications 任职资格 1.Bachelor’s degree or above, major in Environment, Safety, Chemical engineering, mechanical Engineering related 本科或本科以上 2.10+ years working experience 10年或10年以上工作经验 3.Have regular features. The vision is normal. The limbs are sound and functional. Flexible hand and foot coordination. Normal size. 五观端正。视力正常。四肢健全功能正常。手脚协调灵活。体型正常。 4.Good physical and mental health. Dedicated, responsible, serious, diligent, self-disciplined. Strong execution ability, strong communication and coordination ability. 身心健康。敬业、负责、认真、勤奋,自律。执行能力强,沟通协调能力强。 5.10+ years of experience in EHS and facilities engineering or related field in multinational manufacturing companies, and at least 5 years in manager position. 10年以上跨国公司EHS及厂务相关岗位工作经验, 至少5年管理职岗位。 6.Familiar with the system management of large enterprises. 熟悉大型企业的体系管理。 7.Strong interpersonal communication skills and good at problem analysis and solution. 沟通能力强,善于分析和解决问题。 8. Having protective cover of electronic products (such as mobile phone cover, tablet cover, computer bag) and other relevant industry working experience is preferred. 有过电子产品配件如手机套、平板套、电脑包等行业相关工作经验的优先录取。查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限

- 公司名称: 东莞施格懋科技有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外商投资企业与内资合资)
- 地址: 广东省东莞市横沥镇西裕路一巷2号1号楼
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 艾力克
- 注册资本: 338.235万人民币
- 注册时间: 2020年01月15日
- 注册号: 441900006972151
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900MA54AGB59N
- 组织机构代码: MA54AGB59
- 登记机关: 东莞市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 广东省东莞市横沥镇西裕路一巷2号1号楼
- 营业期限: 2020-01-15至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2020年05月11日
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